Do you often face the difficulty related to acidity and heartburn, heating sensation on your palms and feet and heat in your facial parts? This might be a sign of increasing body heat. Just like the climate, the body’s temperature is unpredictable. Body temperature variations cause various issues with your health and its wellbeing. It is necessary to keep the correct body temperature to stay healthy. All reasons your body heat might suddenly rise outside are heat, disease and over-exertion. The human body has an average body temperature of 37˚F (98.6 ˚C). Body heat is regulated in between 36.5˚F to 37.5˚F. The ability of the body to generate and balance body heat is regulated by brain stem known as the hypothalamus.
We need to keep a check on our increasing body temperature and if it is increasing frequently, there is a need to take some steps for your health. “Heat Stress” is the word given to the problem of increasing body heat. If you experience acidity, indigestion, burning sensation on face, uneasiness in stomach and mouth ulcers, then these can be the symptoms of increasing body heat. Increase body temperature can impact your heart, kidney and liver. There are certain Causes of high body heat like dehydration, fever, fluctuating thyroid gland, infection, neurological disorder, medications, etc. To get yourself out of this condition, you need to follow some expert tips.
How to reduce body heat?
1. Drink plenty of liquids
One of the quickest ways to bring your body temperature down is drinking plenty of cold water. Water has the potential to hydrate your body and keep its temperature in control. Regular intake of iced-tea, coconut water, fruit juice and milkshakes can prevent you from increasing body weight and dehydration. Things like fruit juice and coconut water can actually reduce your body temperature by cooling your body from internally. You can also add liquid-rich fruits and vegetables to your diet to keep your body temperature balanced. Fruits like watermelon, berries and vegetables like cucumber, squashes and guards have higher water content. You can make fruit and vegetable smoothies to keep your body cool.
Also Read: The benefits of warm water and lemon
2. Consume yoghurt and buttermilk regularly
Yoghurt is magical food that nourishes your body and protects it from heat. It helps to keep the stomach cool and alleviates digestion. Yoghurt also functions to hydrate your body. It contains probiotics, vitamins, minerals and electrolyte that are good for your body functioning. A good way to keep yourself cool during the summer months is by having a glass of buttermilk after your meal. You can also staple yoghurt to your regular meals to keep your digestion good and body temperature balanced.
3. Eat Vitamin-rich fruits
Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons and grapefruits contain vitamin C and they are extremely good for your overall health. Having citrus fruits on a regular basis will surely keep your body heat balanced. Peach and pomegranate are also rich in vitamins and minerals. Consuming these vitamin-rich fruits will control your body heat. Adding vitamin-rich fruits to your salad would be a great idea to hydrate yourself.
4. Coldwater bath
Relaxing in cool water with your feet soaked in it can help to reduce stress and body heat. A bath with a combination of water and ice cubes can for about 15 and 20 minutes bring your body temperature from high to normal. It could also do wonders if incorporate any essential oil to water. Bathing in cold water is the best way to relax and keep your body temperature normal. If you have a bathtub in your home, then we recommend you to take a bath in the bathtub for at least 15 minutes and see how your body relaxes.
Also Read: How to take a bath
5. Avoid caffeine
It is enticing to get a cold beer, iced coffee or sweet tea when you need to cool down. The foods eaten in this manner will, however, dehydrate the skin and discourage the body from holding its temperature under control. If you want to keep your body temperature controlled, you should avoid things that contain caffeine. Caffeine can cause heat disturbance in your body. High levels of caffeinated drinks and alcoholic beverages should be avoided. These are dangerous products that can heat up your body. We should not take our body temperature lightly.
6. Wear breathable clothes
Air moves through certain fibres more quickly than others. Natural materials such as cotton and linen make heat easier to escape from the body than synthetic ones. It is recommended that you wear loose cotton clothes to control body temperature. Skin can avoid breathing, and cause discomfort in fabrics such as silk and nylon. Both light and pastel shades should be worn because they don’t consume as much heat as black. Whenever you go out in the sun, carry a hat or umbrella to avoid heatstroke and skin damage.
7. Yoga and medication
Suryanamaskar, Trikonasana, and Sitali is some Yogasanas that can help you lower your body temperature and keep your body relaxed. Doing intense exercise in the gym can heat up your body and cause discomfort, so avoid heavyweight and rigorous exercise sessions. Meditation and yoga are best to regulate your body temperature low and keep your mind and body calm.
8. Avoid going out in the high temperature
High temperature can make your body exhausted and increase your body temperature. During summers, if it’s possible, then avoid sun exposure. Even if you are required to go out in high temperature, keep your bag full of things that can keep you hydrated. Keep a cold water bottle, fruits, glucose, fruit juice, etc. in your bag when you go out during summers.
Recognize the signs of high body temperature
You need to consult the doctor if you experience signs like –
- Difficulty breathing
- Muscle cramps
- Nausea or vomiting
- Chest pain
- Increased heartbeat
- Diarrhea
- Dizziness
- Headache
- Fatigue or weakness
- Confusion
- Dry skin
Things that cause increasing body heat
Body heat isn’t a disease, but it should not be taken lightly. You should actually get a clear idea of how much our increased body heat contributes most. Only then can you plan to implement efficiently in your daily diet to reduce increased body heat. Some of the most common reasons for increased body temperature include –
- Drug consumption
- High fever
- Infection
- Rigorous workout
- High exposure to the sun
- Eating hot and spicy food
- Wearing tight and unbreathable clothes
- Eating eggs and meat
Also Read: Borderline personality disorder symptoms
If you experience any sign and a symptom of increasing body temperature, then you need you must follow the tips shared in this blog. If these tips won’t help, consult a healthcare advisor and get proper treatment after the diagnosis of the underlying cause of increasing body temperature.
Why do we feel hot?
The cause of high body temperature can be both external and internal. Here are the main reasons why we may feel hotter than usual:
- Hot environment
If we spend a lot of time outside in very hot weather, it can increase our body temperature. Similarly, being in a hot indoor environment for extended periods can also increase body temperature. If you wear too many layers of clothes in either situation, it can also lead to an increase in body temperature. So in short, a hot environment is one of the few causes why we feel hot.
- Overexposure to sun or heat
If we spend too much time in the sun, it can increase body temperature and can even lead to heatstroke, which some people also refer to as sunstroke. Children and older adults are especially at risk of heatstroke so they should avoid overexposure to the sun. Moreover, Dehydration caused by too much sun exposure can further increase body heat. Therefore, in such a situation, drinking lots of liquids and resting after extended sun or heat exposure is very essential.
When should you see a doctor?

If any person has a body temperature of 103ºF or 39.4ºC or higher, he or she should immediately see a doctor. Parents should take their baby under 3 months of age to the doctor if their baby has a rectal temperature of 100.4ºF or 38ºC or higher. In the case of children older than 3 months, a temperature of 102.2ºF or 39ºC is the trusted temperature. However, a fever that lasts longer than 24 hours needs medical attention.
We should always visit a doctor if our body heat is higher than usual. Moreover, in case of the below-mentioned symptoms along with high body temperature, you should instantly visit your doctor:
- problem in breathing
- irritability, tiredness, or weakness
- a stiff neck
- light sensitivity
- vomiting
- refusing to drink or being dehydrated
- signs of rashes or infection
Frequently asked questions
1. What is body heat?
Ans. When our body absorbs or produces more heat than it can remove, the body heat becomes high and this results in hyperthermia. The average body temperature of a person should be 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Body heat is a kind of thermal energy which is produced as a byproduct of metabolism and physical movements in organisms.
2. Who is at risk of overheating?
Ans. Certain groups of people are more at risk of dying from the excessive outdoor heat. This includes older adults over 65 years of age, children, and people who have heart or lung issues. In addition to this, people from historically marginalized groups who may get less access to ways of cooling down are also more at risk, in precise non-Hispanic Black people.
3. How can you reduce heat immediately?
Ans. If you want to reduce heat immediately, then it also depends on the cause of the high body temperature. A person can bear a viral fever with medications like ibuprofen (Advil). Other health-related problems may require other treatments. A person should see a doctor to find the cause of excessive body heat and get the best treatment. But If the cause is excessive outside heat, then a person should drink plenty of water, move to a shaded area, and avoid physical efforts as it can make them feel relaxed.
4. What food items reduce body heat?
Ans. If you want to stay cool in hot weather, then you should eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits like watermelons, cucumbers, and oranges are great choices as they contain a lot of water inside them and can help you in staying hydrated. Moreover, you should also eat cool dairy products like yogurt in the summer which can help reduce body heat.