Why Whey Protein Is A Better Source Of Protein?

An individual’s overall growth and development are determined by one’s lifestyle. This includes dietary habits and physical regimen. A balanced diet and heightened physical activity have a direct and positive association on growth. Diet assumes relatively bigger importance as only a healthy body would be able to sustain prolonged physical activity.

It must be noted that some of the micro-nutrients such as proteins play this all-important role in keeping the body geared up for rigorous physical training. One must therefore be on an active lookout for the best protein for child growth. Proteins have a two-way beneficial impact. One, they help in building muscle mass and strength. Second, when consumed after a workout program they help in muscle repair and recovery. Furthermore, the enzymes, hormones, and antibodies present in the proteins are pivotal for a range of body functions and therefore are the building block for a child’s overall growth and development.  

One may choose between animal-protein and plant-protein or grab the best nutrition powder for child growth that is scientifically designed to confer the required nutrition value to augment child growth.

Protein For Child Growth

Proteins can be found in a range of food items. Depending upon their source, they can be divided into animal-protein or plant-protein. Fish, chicken, meat, poultry, egg whites, and dairy including milk, cheese, curd, etc are rich sources of animal protein.

Whereas rich sources of plant-protein include foods like soymilk, peanut butter, tofu, nuts, chia seeds, chickpeas, green peas, broccoli, and lentils. Some fruits also contain high quantities of proteins like guava, avocado, apricots, and kiwifruits.

Whey Protein Powders – The Best Nutrition Powder For Child Growth

Whey protein is a type of animal-based protein. It comes from cow’s milk which is rich in two types of proteins – casein and whey packed in the ratio of 80:20. Whey separates from the milk during the cheese making process and is a rich and complete source of protein.

Why Whey Protein Powder is Good for Kids?

Whey protein powder is considered to be the best nutrition powder for child growth because:

  • It Augments Growth: Whey protein is naturally rich in all the 9 essential amino acids and other nutrients. Proteins are important for bone strength and bone development and therefore make kids taller.
  • Is Good For Hormone Production:  Adolescent age is especially crucial for a child’s growth as the body undergoes a lot of hormonal changes. Whey protein stimulates the production and distribution of hormones, making it the best protein for child growth during the adolescent years.
  • It helps in Weight Loss: While an increased intake of carbohydrates and fats fuel obesity in kids, a monitored intake of best nutrition powder for child growth helps provide the necessary calories and energy. Protein intake also increases endurance and thus helps in weight loss.
  • It Boosts Recovery and Growth: Highest quality whey protein aids in muscle repair and recovery and is therefore considered best for children, especially young athletes.

How Much Whey Proteins Can Kids Consume Daily?

Kids are picky-eaters and invariably skip meals. Thus, they often fail to consume a balanced diet. Therefore supplementing protein intake in their daily diet becomes especially important for uncompromised growth and development and overall well-being.

According to dietary guidelines the total daily recommended protein requirement is as follows.

  • For ages 1-3 years – 13 gms of proteins per day
  • For ages 4-8 years – 20 gms of proteins per day
  • For ages 9-12 years – 35 gms of proteins per day
  • For ages 13-18 years – 55 gms of proteins per day

Why Is Whey Protein A Better Source Of Protein?

Coming from an animal-based source, whey protein is marked as a complete protein, thus giving it a clear edge above plant-based protein sources. Furthermore, like meat, chicken, and eggs, whey proteins are packed with all the 9 essential amino acids that the body cannot produce naturally. But unlike other sources of animal-based protein that contain high amounts of saturated fats that are linked to increased incidence of heart ailments, type 2 diabetes, and obesity, whey proteins are sans all such shortcomings.

Super Milk – The Best Nutrition Powder For Child Growth

Super Milk, the extremely popular and the best nutrition powder for child growth from Gritzo’s repertoire is scientifically developed and crafted from the highest quality whey protein. It is further fortified with 21 vital nutrients including Vitamin D, Calcium, and DHA to confer the best results in brain development and physical growth of your child. The yummy natural chocolate flavour is every child’s favourite, thus Super Milk proves to be a delicious and effortless way to provide the best protein for child growth. Check out Gritzo’s Super Milk range and shop to get the best deal!