What You Need to Know About Neuro Oncology Treatment

One of the most fatal cancers is those caused by neoplasms occurring in the brain and spinal cord. A large percentage of these neoplasms are life-threatening and should be taken care of as early as possible. A few of these include:

● Astrocytoma.

● Glioma.

● Glioblastoma Multiforme.

● Brain Stem Tumors.

Among the most brain cancers, gliomas of the brain and pons and astrocytoma are the worst. Untreated cancer usually amounts to a few months of survival – so this explains why utmost attention should be given to it.

In recent years, multiple advancements have helped in detecting and tackling the disease as soon as possible. A neuro-oncological treatment combats a variety of tumors/carcinogenic cells that may arise in the brain, spinal cord, pons, or any other part of the central nervous system. The most common ones, include:

Brain Tumor:

A brain tumor is the result of an abnormality in the growth of the cells, which may/may not be cancerous. The initial symptoms include severe and frequent headaches, accompanied by blurred vision, imbalance, and confusion.

Patients with brain/single metastatic tumors may show the following symptoms. Advanced tumors or metastases will show more generalized symptoms.

  • 15-20% of patients with intracranial tumors show seizures. Tumors with hemorrhagic content cause seizures in about 50% of patients.
  • Stroke-like symptoms are common with patients suffering from hemorrhage in the tumors or systemic cancer.

Spinal Cord Tumors (or intradural tumors):

Spinal Cord tumors are abnormal masses of tissues that surround the spinal cord. The initial symptoms include weakness, numbness, general difficulty in walking in the dark, and constant pain in the back. 

Spinal Cord tumors are accompanied by:

  • Almost 90% of the patients suffering from epidural metastasis, show symptoms of intense pain in the back and head.
  • The pain can be caused due to friction/traction on nerve roots, soft tissues, or the spinal cord.
  • Bowel/Bladder habits are affected, usually occurring towards the later stage of epidural spinal cord compression.

Diagnostic Treatments Used:

In advanced cases, the following diagnostic treatments are carried out :

Brain and Spinal cord imaging are done using computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. These are the most widely accepted methods and yield excellent image results that can help in taking an effective measure against it.

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In the case of spinal tumors, a lumbar puncture and cerebrospinal fluid analysis is done, which is extremely crucial when detecting metastatic tumors or neurologic cancers.

Neuro Oncology Treatment:

In the majority of cases, the following is used to treat cancers even in the brain and spinal cord:


  • Radiotherapy has shown excellent results in tackling many forms of cancer that affect the central nervous system.
  • Radiotherapy results have shown to greatly improve the quality of life of patients affected by primary or metastasized brain tumors.


  • Chemotherapy is a long-term solution for dealing with malignancies.
  • Chemotherapy is usually associated with severe damage or toxic nature of the tumor, so make sure you have your doctor’s approval beforehand.


  • A variety of neuro-oncological cancer conditions can be tackled with corticosteroids.
  • It helps in the control of intracranial pressure or peritumoral edema.

Neurosurgical interventions:

  • It is the best type of treatment for the most nervous system based on cancers and metastatic tumors.
  • A scan before the treatment helps in treating all types of tumors and carcinogenic cells, with no cell damage, Visit to know more.

The COVID-19 Pandemic situation is an unprecedented one and has forced many nations to their knees, with thousands affected daily. If you find the need to have a check-up for any neuro-oncological cancer, try an online briefing with the doctor. Should the need arise to visit a doctor only in case of an emergency.