Surprising Health Benefits Of Beetroot Juice.

For a healthy and disease-free life, it’s essential to follow a healthy diet and regular exercise. A healthy diet is one which contains a perfect balance of vitamins, protein, carbs and minerals. A balanced diet provides essential nutrients that are required for the proper functioning of your body. The most important things that should be included in your diet are fruits and vegetables. They are a unique combination of nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. They help in detoxification of your body by removing toxins.

One such superfood which has been promoted by many health professionals is Beetroot. Beetroots are the star in the popular smoothies nowadays. Beetroot is the rich combination of Energy – 43 kcal, Carbohydrates – 8.8 g, Dietary fibre – 3.5 g, Fats – 0.1 g and Protein – 1.7 g. This vibrant coloured fruit high in nitrates, betalain pigments, fibre and is a great source of various vitamins and minerals like vitamin B-6, folate, copper, potassium, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, magnesium, glutamine, zinc and selenium. There are a lot of surprising benefits of consuming beetroot and its juice. Here in this blog, we are going to share a list of benefits of Beetroot Juice. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

1. Helps manage blood pressure

Beetroot juice has Nitrates that convert into nitric oxide in the blood and help widen and relax blood vessels which allow more oxygen to flow to your brain, heart and muscles and results in lowering blood pressure. People who are suffering from the problem of high blood pressure should start consuming beetroot juice on a regular basis. In a few studies, it’s been proved that beetroot is highly beneficial in managing high blood pressure. To prevent the problem of high blood pressure, you can also start consuming beetroot juice regularly.

2. Detoxifies the stomach

Beetroots are rich in betaine, which has powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxification properties that boost the functionality of the liver. The liver is the main filtration system in our body and its weakness may cause certain health issues. Your liver can be weight down due to toxins which results in diseases. Taking beetroot juice regularly will prevent diseases caused due to the weakness of the liver. It helps in detoxification of your stomach by boosting the functionality of the liver. Beetroot is rich in antioxidants, B vitamins, calcium, iron and betaine. Beetroot is surely a liver-protective fruit!

3. Gives you blushing glowing skin

Your good health reflects on your skin. Beetroot juice is a blood purifier, which is the key to having a glowing, spotless skin. Beetroots are also rich in vitamin C, which helps you get rid of stubborn spots and keeps it wrinkle-free. With the regular consumption of beetroot juice, you are more likely to get a glowing skin. So, add beetroot juice to your everyday routine and get healthy, spotless, wrinkle-free, radiant skin.

4. Boosts energy and stamina

By increasing the flow of oxygen in your blood vessels, beetroot juice makes you feel more energetic and active. Having a glass of beetroot juice before a workout will wake up your sleepy organs and increase the flow of oxygen to the muscles by preparing them for the stress ahead. Various studies have proved that beetroot juice can help in enhancing your muscle power and strength. Your endurance for doing manual work or physical exercises will increase with regular consumption of beetroot juice early in the morning.

5. Prevents against anaemia and iron deficiency

Beetroots are rich in iron, so when you consume them in any form, they will supply your body with a significant amount of iron. An adequate amount of iron in your body regenerates the red blood cells to help prevent anaemia. Women are more likely to experience the problem of anaemia. Women who experience severe problems during menstruation and symptoms of menopause can greatly benefit from the regular consumption of beetroot juice. If you have the problem of anaemia, then you might experience fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, headaches and rapid heartbeat. To prevent yourself against this severe problem, you should increase your consumption of beetroot.

6. Helps in digestion

Digestive problems are common these days. Beetroot which has higher fiber value helps in regulating your digestive processes and also relieves constipation. Betaine in beetroot increases stomach acid levels which improve digestion. So, if you are facing the problem of indigestion and upset stomach on a regular basis, then increase your beetroot intake. It is a natural cure for your constipation and digestive disorders.

7. Increases metabolism

Beetroot has powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification properties that help in increasing your metabolism and losing weight. It is also low in calories and has virtually no fat. It is a great option for your morning smoothie, as it delivers all the essential nutrients to your body that keeps you energetic all day long. It is also good for someone who’s diabetic because it does not lead to high glucose concentration in the blood and prevents sudden spikes.

8. Defends the cells from damage

Beetroot juice has antioxidant properties so it will help defend the cells from damage caused by harmful free radicals. Increasing free radicals in your body can cause oxidative stress which leads to DNA and cell structure damage.

9. Keeps your heart healthy

Phytonutrients in beetroot juice potentially help in reducing cholesterol levels in your body. Cholesterol is the enemy of your heart. To prevent your heart from high cholesterol and other diseases, you should start consuming beetroot juice on a regular basis.

10. Promotes healthy brain function

Beetroot contains a significant amount of boron is related to human sex hormones and brain function. You can improve your concentration power and maintain a healthy brain function with the regular consumption of beetroot juice. It also prevents dementia, which is a disease that causes impairment in memory, communication, and thinking. It improves the blood flow to your brain and promotes cognitive function as we age.

How to make beetroot juice?

You can make tasty and healthy beetroot juice by adding 8-10 leaves spinach, small piece ginger, 1 green chilli, 1 tbsp lemon juice and Pink salt to 2 medium beetroots. You need to blend it to a smooth consistency and pour in a glass to drink. You can also add citrus fruits, apple, carrot, cucumber, ginger, mint, basil or honey in your beetroot juice to improve its flavour and fragrance.

Side effects of Beetroot

Raw beetroots contain oxalates, which may promote the development of kidney stones in some people because they form crystals in your urine. So, if you are prone to kidney stones, then avoid the consumption of beetroot juice or raw beetroots. Your stool and urine may turn pinkish after consuming beetroots. It is a harmless condition known as Beeturia. If you have low blood pressure, then drinking beet juice regularly may cause your pressure dropping too low. So, people with the problem of low blood pressure should avoid regular consumption of beetroot juice.


Beetroot juice is a great addition to your everyday diet. Beetroot can be consumed in multiple forms including salad, juice and smoothie. You must include beetroot juice to your regular diet and avail its ultimate benefits.