The weather is changing and it’s common to get flu. If you are suffering from flu, then we can understand it has knocked you off and you are spending a lot of time in bed. Due to this hectic lifestyle, you can’t spend much time in bed resting. You need to take some steps to get a speedy recovery from flu. The best way to keep yourself safe from flu by getting vaccinated each year, but if you’ve already caught it, don’t worry, as we’ve brought you some tips so that you can recover fast from flu.
The influenza virus causes flu. By getting vaccinated, you can only reduce the risk of getting flu; it doesn’t eliminate its risk. Infants, children under 5 and adults older than 60 are more vulnerable to get attacked by the influenza virus. Flu complications cannot solve by themselves, one need to get treated with medications and vaccinations. You may not want to leave your bed or home, luckily comes right to your home, office or hotel room with the best IV package of fluids, vitamins and nutrients depending on your specific cold or flu symptoms. A person can expect results almost immediately — many feel the effects for up to four days. The most common symptoms of flu are –·
- Muscle pain
- High fever
- Headache
- Dry cough
- Cold
- Weakness
- Sore throat
- Runny nose
- Difficulty in breathing
- Unconsciousness
Women who are pregnant, people who have a weak immune system, people who have a chronic illness and people with a BMI under 18.5 need to get vaccinated to defend themselves against the influenza virus.
Things you are advised to do to recover from flu faster –
Stay at home and get rest

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We understand that it is tough to stay at home for a long time after having a tight schedule, but you have to. When you first feel the symptoms of flu, take a leave from your school, college or work and stay at home. Resting is important because it gives energy to your body to fight from the virus and recover faster. Staying home will also prevent the spreading of flu to other people. Going out is not good for you as well as for others. If you have small children and old adults in your home, avoid contact with them, as their bodies are more vulnerable to catch the virus. Take complete rest, so that your body battle against the virus and get stronger to recover fast from flu.
Drink plenty of fluids

A high fever is one symptom of flu that can lead to sweating, which is a loss of fluid from your body. We believe that drinking at least 8 cups of fluid every day during flu is important to save your body from dehydration. When you feel the symptoms of flu, it’s not important to drink water always — fruit juice, sports drinks, herbal tea and soups can also be added to your diet. Make sure to drink warm water to soothe your respiratory system because flu may give you dry cough. Drinking warm water will make your throat feel relaxed. You may also have a problem of constant vomiting and diarrhoea. To replace lost fluids of your body, you need to drink lots of fluids to stay hydrated and fight infection. However, alcohol and caffeine should always be avoided during flu illness.
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Avoid fast food

As you are having medications and boiled food throughout the day due to flu, you may get tempted to eat potato chips, snacks, ice cream and other fast food, but you should stay away from such foods. Provide your body with better nutrition and recover fast from flu. Eat fresh fruits after every 2-3 hours and eat only boiled vegetables with not spices and oil. Eat food with more vitamins, minerals, protein and antioxidants to strengthen your immune system, so that it can fight from the flu virus. Add hot soups in your diet to stay hydrated and keep your body warm.
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Humidify your room

To ease congestion in your throat and cough, it is important to add humidify your room because dry air in your room can make the symptoms of your flu worse. There are a lot of humidifiers available in the market that can humidify your room. Keep the humidifier in your room clean, as unclean humidifier may increase the growth of bacteria in your room, which is obviously not good for your health.
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Flu treatment at home
Inhale steam

To soothe your throat, nose and lungs, you must inhale the steam. In steam therapy, you inhale water vapour to loosen the mucus congestion in your nose, lungs and throat. Steam will also help you relieve nose and lung swelling that may occur due to congestion. If you are facing the problem of chest tightness, runny nose and constant coughing, then steam will easily soothe the problem.
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How to take steam?
- Put a bowl of water on the gas stove to boil.
- Add medicated vaporub and essential oil in the water
- At last, cover yourself up from a hot cloth and take steam from the solution
You’ll definitely feel relaxed after taking hot water steam. Keep your hands and face away from the container of water to avoid burning. The menthol in vaporub and oils have antiviral benefits. Steaming is the best home remedy for flu.
A special mixture is needed

There is a special grandma formula that you must try during flu. Take a glass of water, boil it and add ginger, cinnamon, honey and lemon (optional), boil the water and drink it hot. Ginger, honey, cinnamon and lemon have antiviral benefits. After having this special mixture, you’ll feel warm and relaxed. If you are facing difficulty sleeping due to congestion, then this is the best home remedy. You can also treat your children with the Ayurvedic formula. It is completely safe and effective to recover from flu.
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Drink Probiotics

Probiotics are good bacteria in your body that save you from virus and bad bacteria and make your immune system stronger. A strong immune system means decreasing the chance of getting ill. Probiotics also save you from getting in contact with harmful infections. Add Yoghurt in your regular diet to increase good bacteria in your body. Besides good bacteria, Yoghurt also supplements your body with protein and calcium. There are a lot of probiotic drinks available in the market at affordable prices.
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Consult doctor

After trying the flu treatment at home, if your condition is getting worse, consult the doctor right now. You need medical treatment to get rid of the flu. Home remedies may take time to sooth your problem, but medications are essential to get fit and fine completely. Consult the specialist whenever you experience the symptoms of flu for your own safety.
We hope that you’ll follow these steps and our tips will help you recover fast from flu. The weather is changing, so get yourself vaccinated to avoid flu, eat healthily, stay hydrated, exercise regularly and follow our tips.