How To Control Anger? – 10 Tips To Tame Your Anger.

Anger is an emotional condition which ranges from mild irritation to extreme rage and indignation in intensity. Anger is a common response to threatening or frustrating experiences. It is an absolutely normal human emotion, which is also considered healthy. But if anger goes out of control it becomes harmful and leads to multiple problems in personal and as well as professional life. Anger also affects your mental and physical health. It can make you feel like you are at the hands of a strong and volatile feeling. This can also be a side-effect for sorrow, solitude or fear. Emotion may appear from nowhere in some cases. Difficulty with handling your anger and frustration will contribute to a number of issues; you can say things that you later regret, yell at your baby, yell at your colleagues, send reckless text, or physical violence. Uncontrollable anger controls your mind and ruins your relationship with people. Managing your temper can sometimes be very challenging. It takes self-control to manage your feelings, but if you follow some steps with dedication, you can definitely control your anger. Here in this blog, we’ll help you understand how to control anger.

Know how to control anger

1.      Identify what triggers your anger

Anger has a negative impact on physical health, mental health, career and relationships. To cure the problem of anger, you need to understand what triggers your anger. In some people, frustration triggers anger, while in others the reason can range from wastage of time to financial problems. Anger is a natural feeling, but if there is something which triggers uncontrollable anger in you, then you need to first find it out and then work on your problem of sudden anger. Chronic anger can cause a heart attack, in fact, some people murder their rivals due to uncontrollable anger. So, monitoring your anger is very important. What it reveals can surprise you. It can also help you gain greater insight into your anger. Watch every episode of anger, from brief anger or impatience to extreme anger.

2.      Watch yourself angry

A lot of people feel self-satisfaction and proud of their anger. At least once in your life, it’s worth to see or hear yourself getting angry at someone. It is worth replaying an agitated scene in front of the mirror if it is hard to catch yourself in a random fit of rage. When you’ll see yourself angry, you’ll understand how dangerous and irritated you look while being angry. Watching your tantrums, frustration and anger can put you off it for life.

3.      Engage in physical activity

While you workout, your body releases endorphins that can help you calm down. When you feel angry or frustrated, release your frustration in the gym by doing a rigorous session of exercise. However, maintaining a regular exercise schedule can help you keep your feelings in control. You’ll have better control over your mind if you’ll do exercise on a regular basis. Some forms of exercise that can heal the problem of anger are running, weight lifting, yoga, games, swimming, dancing, boxing, meditation, etc.

4.      Take proper sleep

In the era, where we all are involved in work and earning money, our life has become extremely stressful. Being an adult, you should take at least 7 hours of sleep in a day to relax your mind. Lack of sleep can cause a wide range of health issues including the inability to manage problems. Getting adequate sleep is important to improve your mood and decrease your anger. If you have difficulty sleeping, then consult a physician. Lack of sleep can occur due to inactivity. You need to get involved in physical activity to get enough sleep at night and get rid of insomnia.

5.      Begin writing

We often come across an incident when we can’t show our anger and it keeps us haunting for a long period of time. In that case, write down if you have an incident or occurrence that you have lost control of your anger or you were unable to show your anger. Make sure you understand just what you thought, where you were and who you were, and how you responded and then felt. You should begin to seek commonalities between entries after keeping your journal for some time in order to identify the people, locations, or things that cause your anger. Writing down incidents will help you release your anger and keep you calm. You can later evaluate your writing and find what triggers your anger. You can also evaluate your anger graphs in recent times.

6.      Deep breathe

When you are angry, your body and mind become tense. Taking a deep breath will help you calm down by lowering your anger meter. If your heart and mind face with stress and anger, slow it down by controlling your breathing. Whenever you feel angry, take three deep breaths to calm your mind. When oxygen reaches your mind, you feel relaxed and less angry. Taking a deep breath will surely help you release your anger. While you meditate and do Yoga Asanas, take a deep breath to release your anger. This will surely contribute to controlling your emotions.

7.      Give yourself a pinch

This is how to calm down quickly: any time you listen to yourself, pinch yourself with the words “never.” This will help you deal with anger. Rather than black and white, look at things in shades of grey. Don’t pinch yourself so hard that it causes blemishes or other accidents! But don’t fan the flames with terms such as “still frustrated” or “never passed.”

8.      Manage the situation with laughter

If you’ve been dealing with the people or situations that make you feel angry, then you need to handle the situation by laughing. This trick will help you calm down when you are feeling angry. You can also do some dancing alone in the room to get rid of your anger. The point of doing this is lighthearted and fun. Not only does this diffuses the anger, but also improves your personal and professional relationship.

9.      Visualize a happy person or situation

If a person is making you angry, always think about his/her positives. Visualize the good time you’ve spent with the person to calm your anger. Dealing with a situation that is making you angry is tough, but by thinking about a happy situation you can handle the situation calmly. Changing the way you think can shift your emotions from negative to positive.

10.  Talk about your anger

If nothing is helping you manage your anger, then you need to discuss your situation with an expert, friend, partner, teacher, family member and guardian. You can also consult a psychologist and talk about the problem of chronic anger. The therapist will observe your situation and help you get rid of the problem of anger. Talking to a person will help you lower your anger levels. If your situation is very chronic, then the doctor will recommend you some medications.

We hope that these tips to control your anger will help you. Follow these tips and do let us know if these tips helped you or not.