Expert Tips On How To Increase Breast Size Naturally.

Your breasts are your greatest assets, as they make you feel sexier, seductive and a lot more attractive. Big and supple breasts can make your body look more sculpted. The ideal size of your breasts is 36. There are a lot of women all around the world, who are not happy with their breast size. It is said that you inherit your breast size and shape from your mother or grandmother. The size of your breasts is affected by your hormones, lifestyle, genetics and body weight. The breasts typically vary in size and shape from person to person. There are various ways you can increase your breast size naturally. Check out the following ways to increase the size of your breasts naturally.

Tips on how to increase breast size naturally via exercise

Do wall presses

If you find doing push-ups though, then wall presses are best for you to increase the size of your breast. To do wall presses, you will have force yourself against a wall just like push-ups. Wall presses strengthen the pectoral muscles and improve the shape and size of your breasts. Stand before a pillar and lift your arms to the point of your neck. Place your hands on the wall and move the wall off until your arms are at the outstretched position, with elbows curled and then return to the original position. Try four sets of ten wall presses per days for the best size and toned breasts.

Arm circles are effective

Arm circle is a non-weighted exercise that targets your boob muscles. It is an easy-to-do exercise, which will help you in improving your breast size and shape. To do this exercise, your arms should be extended on the sides and you need to draw a circle with your hands in the air. It is one of the most popular forms of exercise performed by athletes for instant warm-up. If you want to make the exercise more effective and advanced, add small weights to your hands and then do it.

Arm presses to lift them up

Multi-angle chest exercises provide enough relaxation to improve muscle strength and size. If you want to lift your breasts up and make them look toned, then arm press is the best exercise for you. To do this exercise, stand with your hands extended in the air. Stretch your arms behind your back with full pressure and then bring them together. You need to do it just like a butterfly does with its wings.

Try Prayer pose

This kind of workout allows you to contract without stretching your muscles and is particularly good for growing chest muscles. To do this exercise, keep your arms extended and bring your wrists close together to make a “Namaste” position. Bend the elbows at 90 degrees and hold the position for 10 seconds and release. Repeat this exercise 15 times a day and see the result. It will surely bring a change in your breast size.

Horizontal chest press will bring a change

The raising of your breasts size involves the concentration of your pectoral and postural muscles. The horizontal chest press is the best exercise to target your pectoral and postural muscles. To do this exercise, you need to lift your arms and bend them at a 90-degree angle. Open your arms wide and then bring them together again. Repeat this exercise 15 times a day and do each set for 1 minute for better results.

Chest press extension to target breasts

Doing this exercise would require a set of dumbbells. You need to hold a dumbbell in each hand to perform this exercise. Lie supine holding dumbbells in your hands. Make you maintain a flat spine. Now pull your arms and then extend in front. Now bring your hands back to shoulders. Keep your elbows and wrists in the right position and make every movement slowly. Try doing 3 sets of 12 reps every day to target your breast muscles and improve their size.

Easy tips on how to increase breast size with food

1. Drink milk regularly

The regular intake of milk supports breast tissue development. Cow’s milk is good for women, as it is enriched with estrogens, progesterone and prolactin, which boost the size of your breasts. Soy milk is also good for breast size. Soy milk is soybean inspired. This produces high concentrations of phytoestrogens such as isoflavones that tend to gradually increase the breast size.

2. Nuts

Nuts like almonds, cashew, pistachios, etc. have monosaturated fats, which are important in the production of breast tissue and enhance breast growth. If you want to improve the size of your breast gradually, then having dried nuts will help you. You can just easily carry them in your pocket anywhere and have them every time you feel hungry.

3. Papaya

It is quite a shock that papaya is included in this collection. What you haven’t noticed is that Papaya really needs to help with breast growth. Together with milk Papaya can be a bonus to expand your breast size. The best thing is that it’s completely safe and effective. No hassle full effect! Try papaya and see the difference in your breast size. Pregnant women should avoid eating papaya.

4. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables must be included in your regular diet to improve your breast size. Green vegetables supply iron and calcium to your body.  Green leafy plants do not produce phytoestrogens that allow the breast tissue to grow, but they make your breasts look toned. The avoidance of male testosterone output in women is also a justification for consuming green leafy vegetables. This balances the hormones in the body of the woman and allows the body to function at natural estrogen levels.

5. Seafood

Seafood helps induce the growth of breast tissue. It helps in increasing your sex hormones. Consume fish and you will be shocked to discover the effects on your health. Seafood can do wonders to your health. Certain seafood will lead to better breast growth. Manganese, which causes sexual hormones within the body, is riddled with oysters, shellfish and plus seaweed. Include seafood to your regular diet and see the change in your breast size.

6. Fenugreek seed extract

Would you ever imagine that the fenugreek seeds can improve your breast size? Take fenugreek capsules and take them one time every day to increase the size of your breasts and make them look shaped. You should apply herbal fenugreek oil on your breast every day and give your breast a nice form. Seeds from fenugreeks are a rich source of phytoestrogens that encourage better growth of the mammalian gland.

7. Meat

Meat is known to improve the size of your bust quickly. Eat chicken and mutton thrice a week to boost your estrogen levels. Increasing estrogen level will improve the size of your bust naturally. Meat contains fat, which also increases the size of your breasts.

Follow all the exercise and food tips and see a positive increase in your breast size. You can also go for the surgical method to increase your boob size. No doubt, it’s effective, but it is very costly and needs proper care and regular examination.

Do Supplements Affect Breast Size?

Yes, breast enlargement supplements will help you get bigger breasts if they are made from natural ingredients. It is always suggested to consult a doctor before you opt to use breast enlargement supplements. For breast massaging, you can use essential oils such as olive oil, sesame oil, tea tree oil and lavender oil a few times daily as these oils can prevent you from risks of cancer.

What Causes The Breast Enhancement?

Breasts growth is based on to the hormones: estrogen and progesterone. With puberty, levels of these hormones increase and your breasts begin to grow. Breast size also changes during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause.

What Foods Can Increase Breast Size?

Best food options to increase breast size naturally:

  • Milk
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Seafood
  • Chicken
  • Fenugreek seeds
  • Lean meats

Is It True That Massaging Help Breasts To Grow Fast?

According to a scientific study, it is not true that massaging individually can increase breast size. Touching or massaging breasts does not make them grow but genes and hormones determine breast growth.If you regularly consume protein rich food for a few months then your breast will start growing gradually.

In What Conditions Breast Can Grow Bigger?

Breasts grow under the stimulation of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Hormone levels might change during the pregnancy, menstrual cycle, breastfeeding and menopause. Due to change in the amount of fluid in your breasts, their size and shape may vary.

What impacts your breast size?

There are several factors that influencethe shape and size of your breast:

  • genetics
  • age
  • body weight
  • hormones
  • pregnancy

Bench Press, The Towel Workout, The Tug and Pull, Push-Ups, The Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana, Butterfly Press, Chair Dips, Arm Circles, Dumbell Cross-Body Punch, Lateral Plank Walk

Exercise to increase breast size in 10 days

Bench Press, The Towel Workout, The Tug and Pull, Push-Ups, The Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana, Butterfly Press, Chair Dips, Arm Circles, Dumbell Cross-Body Punch, Lateral Plank Walk.

What Affects Breast Size & Shape?

Many women experiment with various methods to enlarge their breasts without fully understanding what causes the breasts to become enormous and large. The size and shape of your breasts are influenced by a wide range of variables. Breasts continue to fluctuate in size and shape throughout life, unlike other body parts that only reach a particular size before stopping to expand.

  • Family History or genetics

The size of your breasts is also influenced by your genes, just like the color of your hair and skin, height, eye color, and other traits. If someone in your family has large breasts, it does not necessarily follow that you will as well.

  • Your weight

Connective structures, milk glands, ducts, and fatty tissues make up the breasts. Additionally, each woman has a different amount of each type of tissue. Your breast size will only be impacted by weight changes if your breasts are primarily made of fatty tissues. Consequently, they (fat tissues) expand as you put on weight and contract as you put on weight. As a result, the size and shape will change in line with this.

  • Hormones

Hormonal variations are responsible for the bulk of breast alterations. When the ovaries are mature and the hormone estrogen is released, female breasts begin to develop. Even after puberty, the hormone levels continue to alter. As a result, the breasts enlarge to some extent if the body’s estrogen levels rise due to menstruation or the use of birth control.

  • Pregnancy & Postpartum

The breasts undergo a lot of alteration during pregnant. Due to water retention, weight gain, and the expansion of the mammary glands for milk production and storage, they also acquire several cup sizes. The breasts appear enormous during the nine months of pregnancy and during the duration of breastfeeding. But eventually, they grow back to their original size.

  • Lifestyle

The breasts’ overall shape and size are also influenced by your lifestyle in general, particularly your physical activity and diet. For example, performing pectoral exercises might give your breasts a perkier appearance.

Breast Augmentation or Implant surgery to increase Breast Size

In India, breast augmentation surgery, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is no longer frowned upon. This technique is popular among ladies who want to enlarge their breasts to their desired size. Breast augmentation surgery is still the best option if all other attempts to enlarge the breasts are unsuccessful. You should be aware that other approaches do not produce efficient and long-lasting results.

Breast implants and fat transfer are the two methods used in breast augmentation surgery. Breast implants are typically used to increase breast size, so the procedure is also known as breast implant surgery because of this. The methods entail:

  • Fat Transfer: This treatment involves taking fat from another area of the body and transferring it to the breast to enlarge it.
  • Breast implants: In this procedure, silicone-based artificial implants are inserted beneath the breast muscles to increase their size.

Whether your breasts have lost volume or you simply want to increase their size to look better, surgery can produce natural and aesthetically pleasing results. The ability to increase the size however much you want is another benefit of surgical enhancement.

Other ways to increase Breast Size

There are other choices that promise to enlarge the breasts. Here are some techniques that ladies frequently experiment with at home. Let’s test whether these strategies are effective, nevertheless.

  • Yoga

Yoga is well known for its host of health advantages. However, increasing breast size is a questionable or ineffective procedure. Women from all over the world have tried some yoga poses, including Bhujangasana, Ustrasana, and Dwikonasana.

  • Massage

Flaxseed oil, fennel oil, olive oil, or breast augmentation lotions can all be used to massage the breasts. The oil or cream should typically be massaged for 5–10 minutes ten times each day. Extending the time restriction, however, may cause sensitivity and swelling. In addition, many women find it difficult to achieve their goals when getting massages.

  • Push-up Bras

A push-up bra elongates the breast tissues by lifting and supporting them. The appearance of the breasts can be improved if the right size push-up bra is used. The bra won’t, however, make the breasts bigger. And once you take the bra off, your breasts will still look the same.

Supplements, Pills, & cream to increase Breast Size

The majority of breast-enlargement medications and supplements contain herbs that raise estrogen levels. For instance, women frequently use birth control tablets over the counter in the hopes that their breast size will rise. It should be emphasized, nevertheless, that the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to vouch for the efficacy of any breast enlargement products. Furthermore, these techniques’ safety is debatable. The promises claimed by the producers of breast enlargement creams, pills, and supplements haven’t been proven conclusively as of yet.

  • Total Curve Breast Enhancement Therapy Cream and Pills
  • Naturaful Breast Enhancement Cream
  • VLCC Breast Enlargement Cream
  • Pro Breast Plus Breast Enhancement Cream and Pills
  • Breast Actives Cream and Pills
  • BustMaxx- Vegan Breast Enlargement Pills

Since these products change the body’s hormonal equilibrium, they may also have unfavorable effects. The presence of too much estrogen in the body can cause unpleasant side effects such vaginal bleeding, bloating, headaches, indigestion, swelling in other body regions, and breast tenderness.To achieve the desired results, it will be preferable to have breast augmentation surgery performed by a skilled plastic surgeon rather than experimenting with lotions, supplements, or medications to increase breast size.


  • What Cause the breast to grow bigger?

When the ovaries start to produce and release (secrete) estrogen, fat begins to build up in the connective tissue. This causes the breasts to expand. Additionally, the duct network starts to grow. Frequently, these breast changes are accompanied by the onset of pubic hair and armpit hair growth.

  • How can I increase my breast size fastly?

Here are the best exercises for rapid breast size

  • Dumbbell chest press
  • Dumbbell pec fly
  • Alternating dumbbell press
  • Push-ups
  • Stability ball chest press
  • Up-down plank
  • Dumbbell pullover.
  • Do breast grow when touched?

No, it’s not true. When caressed or massaged, breasts do not become larger. There is a lot of misinformation out there regarding breast growth. You could hear some material that is blatantly incorrect, such promises about specialized lotions or pills that make the breasts bigger.

  • Does breast size increase after marriage?

Although no one is certain who first popularized the idea, it has persisted for decades that marriage increases breast size. Getting married and having a child are the two most likely explanations for this.