What Is a Typical Day in Drug Rehab Like?

Around 2 million people are admitted to drug or alcohol rehab each year. It can be an anxiety-provoking time for them simply because they are stepping into the unknown. Knowing what rehab is like in advance can help to calm those nerves and help people better prepare for a big change in their lives.

Let’s take a look at a typical day in a drug rehabilitation center so you can better understand what is rehab like.

Rise and Shine: Mornings in Drug Rehab

Residential treatment centers tend to start the day early (around 7 or 8 am). After all, you’re there to get better not to spend the day in bed! The day will begin with a healthy nutritious breakfast to help get things started.

Around breakfast time most centers will offer some form of morning activity such as yoga or mindfulness practice to help you begin the day in a calm state of mind. Then, once you’re fed and relaxed there is usually a group session led by a counselor or therapist. 

These morning sessions are usually designed to better equip you with knowledge of addiction, treatment, and recovery. They will help you to better understand how certain circumstances might have driven you to substance abuse. You will begin to understand your behavioral patterns and triggers so you are better equipped to beat addiction.

Afternoon Treatments

After a healthy lunch, the afternoon is often the time for the most intensive treatments.  Most rehab centers run a combination of group and individual sessions in the afternoon.  These sessions focus on therapeutic models such as CBT to help you explore your own thought patterns and behavior and begin to work on improving them.

There may also be more specialized sessions worked into the afternoon. These can include family therapy and therapy sessions dedicated to specific aspects associated with addiction. These could include grief counseling or anger management.

Free Time

Due to the intensity of the afternoon session, there is usually some time set aside before dinner. This time is for you, so you have time to reflect and unwind again. There are usually recreational activities available. Some rehab treatments offer massage and spa facilities.

The time is yours though so you might want to use them walking around the grounds, quietly reading, or playing sports with your peers.  

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Evening Sessions

After dinner, there will usually be a short group therapy session to end the day. Most commonly these are Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings and can sometimes be held offsite. These type of support groups specialize in peer to peer support and have proven to help prevent relapse when attended regularly.

The day usually ends at 8 or 9 pm so you’re fresh for the next day. It’s important to ensure residents have enough sleep as it helps to promote a calmer state of mind.  

Now You Know “What Is Rehab Like?”

Being anxious around big changes in your life is understandable. However, drug rehabilitation centers are designed to provide a relaxing and welcoming space for your recovery. Knowing what is rehab like can help to ease those anxieties so you can open your arms to the support and activities waiting for you.

For more information about leading a healthier life, be sure to take a look at the rest of our site