How To Take Responsibility For Your Health & Wellness

If you are like most people, every year after the holidays, you make promises to focus on your health and wellness. While every year begins with good intentions, it is not long before life gets in the way, leaving your women’s or men’s city bike collecting dust in the garage. More often than not, the challenge with taking responsibility for your health and wellness is an eagerness to do everything at once and to the extreme. If you want to build healthy and sustained habits, you need to start slowly.

The goal of health and wellness relies upon four core principles: nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, and sleep. By focusing on these goals one at a time, you will give yourself a better chance at sustained progress.

1. Eat Healthier

Eating healthily is a broad category, and most people find it overwhelming. Instead of focusing on every aspect of your diet all at once, consider it incrementally. For example, instead of altering all of your meals, consider focusing on one meal at a time. For example, if your breakfast is normally loaded with unhealthy carbs and a heaping helping of bacon, consider changing the meal to something simple.

A cup of oatmeal, a scrambled egg, and a piece of fruit is an excellent way to start the day. Taking a less heavy-handed approach is often less overwhelming and more manageable. Just make sure you do not take too much food. Take healthy foods and avoid the processed and sugary foods will add to the fat percentage in your body. There is no problem taking delicious foods if you know how much to eat.

2. Stay Active

Exercise is another complex category, especially if you live a mostly sedentary life. The more active you are throughout the day, the quickly you will digest the food that you will consume. You can burn your excessive fat saying fit and active. Go for walking, jogging, running, swimming if possible to sweat out once every day. Instead of diving into an intense workout routine, consider cycling. You can take a bike ride at least once per day for a total of 30 minutes. A men’s or women’s step-through bike will make the process easier if you have flexibility issues. Additionally, if you are concerned about balance, you can consider an adult trike. 

3. Set Aside Time for Yourself

Mindfulness is the practice of setting aside time to focus on the present. When done right, mindfulness creates a relaxed and stress-free environment. Most people experience relaxation through meditation, but you might experience it in other ways. For example, some people find exercise to be quite meditative, including bike riding. If you are interested in purchasing a bike, consider Sixthreezero bike reviews. The primary goal with mindfulness is to find activities that promote a relaxed mind to reduce stress and anxiety. These activities can take up as much or as little of your time as you would like, but most people recommend at least 15 to 30-minutes per day. Mental health is equally important to bodily health. So, make sure you do something every day for the overall mental health and wellbeing. Spend time with family, go for a walk or cycling, enjoy a movie or something to freshen yourself up. Make sure there is something to enjoy every day to give yourself personal peace of mind.

4. Get Adequate Sleep

Too many adults do not get adequate sleep. Experts recommend a minimum of seven to nine hours of quality sleep per night for the average adult. Make sure you create a perfect environment in your bedroom to have a sound sleep. Try to know your sleep cycle and complete the cycle properly every night. Make sure the blue lights of your phone, computer, or television do not hamper your sleep cycle. To promote quality sleep, you should put your digital screens away at least one hour before bed. Additionally, partake in a relaxing activity, like reading or listening to music. Finally, you want the temperature in your room to be cool.

Are you ready to start your health and wellness journey? If so, speak to a nutritionist and pick up a bicycle from the bike shop, and remember to start slow.