How to Prevent Heart Failure after Heart Attack?

Everyone wants to maintain a healthy heart, but in this era of technology, contaminated food, artificial fruits and fast food, it seems tough to maintain good heart health. There are many other causes of cardiac problems like family history, unhealthy lifestyle and long-time sitting habit. There is a lack of commitment to a heart-healthy lifestyle. A heart attack is a life-threatening condition in which the smooth blood flow to arteries gets blocked and cause damage to surrounding tissues.

It is a close call for you if you’ve recently survived a heart attack. It is a severe heart condition that mostly leads a person to death. A heart-attack caused huge damage to your heart and you need to take special care of yourself to survive.  Your heart rhythm, blood circulation and pumping action are affected after a serious heart attack. If you’ll not take care of yourself after a heart attack, then it may lead to conditions like stroke, kidney disorders, heart failure and peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

What is remodeling?

In an attempt to take over the burden of the weakened muscle during a heart attack, the normal cardiovascular muscle stretches. In general, Cardiac Remodeling is a term referring to enlargement in the volume and the form of the heart which arises as a response of cardiovascular dysfunction or heart damages. Stretching of muscles helps damaged muscles of the heart contract and do work efficiently. Unfortunately, chronic stretching of muscles causes weakness to the muscles and results in heart failure.

How Is Remodeling Measured?

The most common ways to measure cardiac remodeling are echocardiography and MRI. These tests are non-invasive and do not expose patients to radiation. These both ways of remodeling measurement can be repeated as often as required.

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Preventing Cardiac Remodeling

After a serious heart attack, two classes of drugs can be used to reduce remodelling and improve the chance of patient survival. These drugs are – beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors. Beta-blockers work by blocking the adrenaline effect on the heart. It also reduces the risk of Agina in patients. It reduces the risk of sudden heart failure and death in patients after a heart attack.

ACE inhibitors work by improving the long term survival after a serious heart attack and reduce the risk of heart failure. They also reduce the risk of sudden death, recurrent heart attacks and strokes.

Ways to Maintaining Cardiac Health

1.      Quit smoking

If you don’t smoke, it’s great, but if you are still smoking after a heart attack, then stop. Smoking is not good for your heart health. Tobacco in cigarette damages your heart tissues and blood vessels. Smoking also reduces the level of oxygen in your blood, which leads to imbalanced blood pressure and heart rate.

2.      Walk

Walking is extremely important in order to maintaining cardiac health. Regular walking for 30-60 minutes can decrease your risk of developing cardiovascular issues. Walking will keep your weight in control, blood pressure and cholesterol in balance and maintain type 2 diabetes.

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3.      Choose good nutrition

The most important thing to do to maintain a healthy heart after a heart attack is quit oily and fried food. A healthy diet works as a weapon to fight serious cardiovascular diseases. Choose nutrition-rich foods, which are filled with vitamins, protein, minerals, fibre, etc. Avoid foods that have high calories and carbs. Maintain a healthy weight by eating a proper and nutritious diet regularly.

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There are more things you can do to maintaining cardiac health like limit alcohol consumption, don’t take stress, get quality sleep, manage diabetes, maintain a healthy weight and try to avoid situations that make you anxious. Your heart is the most important organ of your body. Keep it maintained and get health screening regularly by a physician.