We all are familiar with the annoying feeling of itching and irritation that occurs when a foreign object enters into our nose and gets trapped. You want to sneeze but you can’t and this is extremely frustrating and uncomfortable. If you need to clean any congestion due to dirt or any other foreign particle in your nose, then you simply want to sneeze, but you can’t actually sneeze and it just lingers in your nostrils. No getting sneeze is deeply frustrating whether you are suffering from allergies, cold, or just have the sensation of cleaning up the nasal passage. Sneezing plays a major role in clearing your nasal passage and relieving congestion.
Okay, how does it feel when you sneeze after a long time? Isn’t it satisfying and relaxing? So, how to make yourself sneeze? Well, here in this blog post, we are going to share some tips that will help you make yourself sneeze and relax. These sneeze-inducing methods will surely trigger your body to sneeze on your demand.
What are causes the body to sneeze?
Mucus in the nasal passages traps irritants and other foreign objects that enter the nose and cause irritation. When these particles reach the stomach, the acid there neutralizes them.The mucous membranes of the nose and throat may occasionally become irritated by these particles. The trigeminal nerve, a sizable cranial nerve crucial for facial movement and sensation, can be stimulated by this irritation.
Three distinct branches of the trigeminal nerve each serve a different region of the face. The brain receives a signal from the trigeminal nerve when an irritant activates it, causing the body to sneeze.The respiratory system gets involved at this point. A person closes their eyes, takes a deep breath, and sneezes.
How to make yourself sneeze? When nothing else is working
1. Tickle your nose
This is the most common method of sneezing that you were aware of. Take a tissue, roll it up, insert it into your nose and tickle. Tickle by gently moving the tissue corner into your nose and once you start feeling the tickling sensation, remove the tissue. This will stimulate the sneezing nerve and make your sneeze instantly. You can tickle your nose with an earbud or feather also. But the problem with this trick is that you can only do it when you are alone. It can’t be done when you are in a public place or gathering. Be careful with this trick. Do not insert any pointy object in your nose, as it can cause wounds in your nose and badly harm you.
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2. Sniff a spice
If you are in your kitchen and not finding any object to trigger sneezing, then just sniff a spice like black, white, red and green pepper. Pepper contains peperine which causes irritation in your nose and triggers sneezing nerve. Make sure to be careful while trying this method. Only use this method when you are feeling irritated due to not getting a satisfactory sneeze. Do not inhale any spice too much as it can cause a burning sensation in your nose and eyes. Gently irritate your nose with pepper and make yourself sneeze.
3. Sniff a strong perfume
Let me tell you that this trick won’t apply to everybody’s nose. Some people are allergic to the strong smell. So when they sniff a perfume with a strong smell, it makes them sneeze. If you are feeling irritated, just spray perfume or cologne with a strong smell in the air and smell it to trigger your sneezing nerves and go ““aaachooooo”. Sniffing a perfume or cologne will help you sneeze for sure.
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4. Tweeze your nose hair
The thought of tweezing hair from your nose can make your nose itch and cause sneezing. So, the next time you want to get that satisfactory sneeze, just pluck the hair of your nose. This might look painful but works! When you tweeze hair from your nose, it stimulates the trigeminal nerve and makes you sneeze instantly. Make sure to be gentle while plucking hair from your nose, as the skin of your nose is very sensitive and you’ll end up hurting yourself if not done with proper care. We won’t recommend this method, as you can try other methods like sniffing perfume, nose tickling, etc.
5. Pluck your eyebrow
There are some people who can just pick up their eyebrow hair and sneeze. To see whether this allows you to sneeze, take a pair of hair tweezers and use them to pluck one eyebrow hair. Tweezing your brows irritates your facial nerves and activates the trigeminal nerve to sneeze. This might be sufficient to sneeze instantly. This may have happened to you by accident when you were tweezing your light-coloured, extra eyebrow hair. Now try it on demand. Grasp the hair of the eyebrow near the root with the tips of the tweezers and pluck it out rapidly for an instant sneeze.
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6. Look at bright light suddenly
If you don’t feel a sneeze coming and a foreign object is irritating your nose, just go out in a bright light suddenly and have the special photic reflex sneeze. Only people who have a built-in photic sneeze reflex can take advantage of this method. If you are one of those people who get the ticklish sensation in their nose when going out in the bright light, then try this method. This trick will only work when you suddenly see a bright light. If you want to try this method, sit in dark for sometimes to allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness and then suddenly see the light. This will definitely make you sneeze.
7. Breath cold air
When it is low temperature, you seem to sneeze more. Many people will sneeze when they breathe cold air. While winter comes, try to stick your head outdoors, breathe deeply in, or stand before an open freezer to stimulate your sneezing nerve. Another method of doing this is to take a hot shower and when you come out, take a deep breath of cold air and sneeze frequently. Exposure to cold air will make your sneeze instantly. This is an effective way to induce sneeze, but make sure to be very cautious, as you may fall ill due to cold air.
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8. Drink carbonated liquid
We all have experienced the tingling in our nose and throat after consuming carbonated drinks like soda, beer and Coca Cola. We get this feeling when carbonation touches our nose directly. If you want to sneeze and you don’t have any other option, then try carbonated drinks. Drink a carbonated drink and encourage the bubbles to knock your nose. Make sure the drink is fizzy if you want an instant effect.
9. Chew peppermint gum
Several people get the sneezing sensation when they smell peppermint. If you have mint or peppermint gum, then eat it when you want to sneeze. Sneezing can be induced by sucking on one of two mint-flavoured gums. The sneeze is triggered by the absorption of the heavy mint savour of the gum. The inhalation of a heavy mint taste induces sneezing by overstimulation of any of the nerve around the trigeminal nerve. Mint toothpaste sniffing might work as well. Just open the toothpaste cap and inhale the scent.
10. Use a tissue
Chemical, thermal, and mechanical stimulation are just a few of the different ways that the trigeminal nerve might react. This advice belongs in the final group.Place a tissue’s pointed corner inside one nostril after rolling it into a ball. Once you start to experience a tickling sensation you have to gently move the tissue back and forth. The trigeminal nerve is stimulated by this action.Using this method requires caution; avoid pushing the tissue too far up the nostril as it could hurt or get stuck.
11. Eat dark Chocolate
Very few people know that High cocoa content dark chocolate could make you sneeze. Although the precise cause of this incidence is unknown, scientists do not believe that allergies are to blame. Some people believe it to be a form of PSR.While not everyone will benefit from this advice, some people do, especially those who don’t typically eat chocolate.
12. Tilt the Head back
People who sense a sneeze coming on but it doesn’t quite materialize may find this method helpful. Anyone can just stare upward while leaning their head back.
13. Pluck an eyebrow hair

The region above the eyes is enervated by the upper (ophthalmic) branch of the trigeminal nerve. As a result, removing the hair from the brows may irritate facial nerves and perhaps activate the trigeminal nerve. Some people only need to remove one hair before they sneeze, while others need to tweeze several.
14. Use the tip of the tongue
Below the eyes and above the lips, the trigeminal nerve’s main (maxillary) branch can be found. As a result, make a gentle upward and downward movement with the tongue tip on the palate. The best place to massage, the pressure to use, and the amount of time required to elicit a sneeze may all require experimentation.
15. Massage the nose

The trigeminal nerve can also be stimulated by pinching sensations. To do this, use a gentle downward rubbing motion on the bridge of the nose to stimulate the trigeminal nerve.Some people may experience that lightly squeezing their noses has an effect. Try the method once again until a sneeze and a tickling feeling appear.
16. Use a feather
In addition to being common in animation, using a feather to tickle your nose can actually make you sneeze.Just tickle your nose with a fake feather and enjoy the sensation. Don’t use a real feather and only use it for external stimulation; avoid putting it in your nose.
17. Use Warm water
Sometimes all it takes is a little warm water to solve the problem.Dip your nose into a shallow dish of warm water. Take a brief to inhale of the water before tilting your head back. You ought to sneeze because of the water droplets in your nose.
These are effective tips on how to make yourself sneeze with a stuffy nose. Try out a couple of these remedies and see whether if they work or not. Remember not to go overboard and hurt yourself. Once you try these methods, tell us which one induced a sneeze and gave you satisfactory sneezing instantly. Sneezing will make you feel good if you want to release some foreign objects from your nose. It will also give you a positive feeling by triggering receptors in your brain. If you feel any type of congestion in your nose, try out these amazing methods.
How To Stop Sneezing?
1. Treating allergies
Sneezing can be reduced by taking care of allergies. To treat an allergy, one must first determine which allergens cause the reaction.After doing so, the person may be able to avoid the allergen and avoid sneezing as a result of exposure to it.The allergy may occasionally be impossible to avoid. Using over-the-counter (OTC) drugs that can treat allergic reactions in certain circumstances can help people manage their reactions to it.
2. Drinking Chamomile tea
Chamomile contains antihistamine properties, just like vitamin C does.A person can lessen their body’s overall histamine levels by drinking a cup of chamomile tea each day to help prevent sneezing. Scientists haven’t yet discovered any proof of this, though.
3. Take Vitamin C
An antihistamine is vitamin C. Citrus fruits, some vegetables, and supplements all contain vitamin C.Due to the vitamin’s immune-boosting properties, a person may eventually experience less sneeze by increasing the amount of vitamin C in their diet.Again, this notion is not yet supported by any scientific data.
4. Pinching the nose

At the first symptom of a sneeze, people can attempt pinching their nose.By pinching further up and closer to the eyes on the nose, one can accomplish this.Anecdotal data suggests that this might stop sneezing.
5. Use at home nasal spray
It could be possible to avoid sneezing by using a nasal spray to clear your sinuses. It might not be required to use a prescription or over-the-counter nasal spray.For instance, utilizing a capsaicin-containing nasal spray may aid in desensitizing the nasal tissue, which may reduce the frequency of sneezing. The ingredient that makes chili peppers hot is called capsaicin.
6. Blowing the nose
Try blowing your nose if you’re ready to sneeze instead. Although this method has not been proven via scientific study, it might assist eliminate the irritation that is causing the sneeze.However, this approach might not always work because someone might blow their nose and then sneeze right away.Having tissues close by can make it easier for someone to reach them in time to block or catch a sneeze.
7. Say something weird
According to one anecdotal notion, sneezing can be prevented by shouting aloud a funny or unique word shortly before it happens.It is thought that talking about something amusing or unique diverts the brain, which helps suppress the sneeze.
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- What can make me sneeze?
You can sneeze almost any time something irritates your nose. Dust, pollen, animal dander, and other allergens frequently cause sternutation, also known as sneezing. Additionally, it helps your body get rid of germs that might otherwise irritate your nasal passages and make you want to sneeze.
- What is the most effective method for making yourself sneeze?
Environmental Irritants: Some irritants, including smoke, air pollution, perfume, cold air, and spices, can make you sneeze. They physically irritate the nose’s lining without evoking an allergic reaction.
- Can I make myself sneeze?
If you want to make yourself sneeze, ground up some whole peppercorns or open a jar of spices and take a small whiff. Cooking hot food or inhaling a vial of capsaicin extract might also be effective. When smelling spices, use caution because too much inhalation might cause a burning feeling in the nose.