Health Benefits Of Bottle Gourd Juice

Green vegetables are the powerhouse of nutrients and vitamins. People who want to lead a healthier lifestyle must consume green veggies in different forms. Juice of green vegetables coupled with a balanced diet and regular exercise can do wonders for your body. The best vegetable juice you must include in your everyday diet is bottle gourd juice. There are numerous health benefits of consuming bottle gourd juice and here is the list of all of them.

1. Promotes Heart Health

Regular consumption of bottle gourd juice on an empty stomach helps in reducing the level of cholesterol in your blood and prevents symptoms of other severe problems related to the heart. Bottle gourd contains soluble dietary fibre, which will also keep a check on your blood pressure too. If you have any problem related to the heart, then you must start regular consumption of bottle gourd juice.

2. Helps In Weight Loss

Bottle gourd juice is used frequently for reducing weight. It is filled with fibre that helps keep you full for longer. Calories are minimal in bottle gourd so it’s great for maintaining a healthy weight. It contains essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin K, vitamin A, Iron, Folate, Potassium and Manganese. To stay fit and healthy, you should consume bottle gourd juice on a regular basis and see the best results.

3. Relieves Stress And Depression

Bottle gourd has a good amount of choline, which improves your brain functions and helps to prevent stress, depression, anxiety and other mental disorders. If you have any kind of mental disorder, then start consuming bottle gourd juice regularly and increase the amount of happiness in your brain.

4. Cools your body

Bottle gourd juice has a cooling effect on your body which means if you consume it regularly, you are going to hydrate your body, especially during summers. If you have a problem of body heat, then you must consume bottle gourd juice regularly. After doing intense exercise, drink bottle gourd juice to replenish the water loss in your body. Heat-related ailment like nose bleeding, pimples or ulcers can also be cured with the consumption of bottle gourd juice.

5. Cures tummy troubles

Most common stomach problems occur due to overeating, which can be cured with the regular consumption of bottle gourd juice. Also, the water and fibre contents of bottle gourd juice help in cleaning your digestive tract, curing constipation, treating diarrhoea and allows easy bowel movement. According to Ayurveda, bottle gourd juice helps to keep your Pitta in control.

6. Good for skin and hair

Not just on health, bottle gourd juice has great effects on your skin and hair also. It acts as a natural cleanser and detoxifies your body. Skin and hair problems occur due to excessive toxic content in your body which can be cleansed with the regular consumption of bottle gourd juice. By consuming bottle gourd juice in the morning on an empty stomach, you can get great skin and body.

7. Treats urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections are common these days, Mix some lemon juice with bottle gourd juice and get rid of your urinary tract infections.

Quick tip

We recommend you to consume the juice of fresh bottle gourd for the best results. To spruce up the flavour of your bottle gourd juice, you can add gooseberry, ginger, fresh mint leave and some rock salt and enjoy it fresh on an empty stomach. Do not add sugar or anything sweet to reduce the bitterness of bottle gourd juice. Adding sweets means adding calorie which is not good for your health. Bottle gourd juice should always be consumed without sugar and salt.