Health benefits and sources of Vitamin B5.

Vitamins and minerals are essential for our health. We need to eat healthy to meet the nutrition needs of our body. One of the most important vitamins needed by our body is Vitamin B5. Vitamin B5 is a water-soluble vitamin that is clinically known as D-pantothenic acid or pantothenate. Vitamin B5 is available in almost all the foods that we eat. Whether it’s animal source or plants, it is present in everything. It is very beneficial to human life because it makes it possible for the body to break down sugar i.e. glucose into fats and proteins and turns them into energy to carry out various bodily activities. This also leads to the production of new red blood cells, cholesterol synthesis and a host of hormones in the adrenal glands. There is a lot that you need to learn about Vitamin B5 and we are going to share it in this blog.

What is Vitamin B5?.

Vitamin B5, which is clinically known as D-pantothenic acid or pantothenate is a water-soluble vitamin from the B group of vitamins that helps in producing energy by breaking down fats and carbohydrates. It promotes healthy cells, skin, organs, eyes, hair and nails. It is also used to produce coenzyme A (CoA) that helps in the conversion of foods into fatty acids and cholesterol. A large range of foods contains pantothenic acid. The intestinal bacteria can also develop such pantothenic acids, but they can’t fulfill dietary requirements sufficiently. Coenzyme A may prevent the breakdown and clearance of fats in the blood. Pantothenic acid helps to decompose fats, have a possible effect of cholesterol reduction in persons suffering from dyslipidemia has been examined. Dyslipidemia is a disorder where the fat or lipids in the blood is abnormally in higher concentration. Pantothenic acid is also suggested to have an antioxidant effect which reduces low-grade inflammation experienced in the early stages of cardiovascular disease.

Vitamin B5 function in our body.

Vitamin B5 plays an important role in our body to –

 Promotes healthy skin, hair, and eyes.

 Helps in the proper functioning of the nervous system and liver.

 Promotes healthy digestive tract.

 Helps in making red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body.

 Helps in making sex and stress-related hormones in the adrenal glands.

What are the symptoms of Vitamin B5 deficiency?.

Well, it’s very rare to have vitamin B5 deficiency in human as Vitamin B5 is consumed from almost all food sources. Deficiency of Vitamin B5 is unlikely to cause any severe disorder by itself. However, people with deficiency of Vitamin B5 are often experiencing other vitamin deficiencies and symptoms like –

1. Headache

2. Fatigue

3. Irritability

4. Impaired Muscle Coordination

5. Gastrointestinal Problems

6. Hyperactivity

7. Insomnia

8. Irritability

9. Hypotension

10. Tongue infections

11. Grey hair

12. Dandruff

13. Muscular dystrophy

14. muscular cramps in the legs

15. Neuralgia

16. Obesity

17. Nausea

18. Vomiting

19. Abdominal cramps restlessness

20. Malaise

21. Numbness

22. Paraesthesia

23. muscle cramps

24. Sleep disturbances

Vitamin B5 supplements are also taken to cure conditions like acne, ADHD, alcoholism, allergies, asthma, baldness, burning feet syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, celiac disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, colitis, conjunctivitis, convulsions, cystitis, dandruff, depression, diabetic nerve pain, dizziness, enlarged prostate, headaches, heart failure, insomnia, irritability, leg cramps, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, neuralgia, obesity, osteoarthritis, Parkinson’s disease, premenstrual syndrome, respiratory disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, salicylate toxicity, tongue infections, wound healing, yeast infections, etc.

Why consume Vitamin B5?.

 Improves heart health

Vitamin B5 lowers bad cholesterol in the body and prevents the risk of cholesterol-related heart issues like heart block, atherosclerosis, cardiac arrest, etc. Vitamin B5 is an ideal choice for improving your heart health. It also lowers high blood pressure and prevents heart failure.

 Improving brain and eye health

The synthesis of melatonin, which is a hormone produced by the pineal gland deep inside the brain, is characterized by vitamin B5. It regulates the wake-sleep cycle, prevents insomnia and lets the body cope up with tiredness and stress. In the case of different vision issues, including dry eyes, it is particularly effective to improve the eye and alleviate discomfort and inflammation. If you want to improve your brain and eye health, then you should increase your Vitamin B5 intake.

 Good for skin & hair

Vitamin B5 is added in hair and skin products like makeup, lotions, creams, etc. Vitamin B5 helps to provide essential moisture to your skin. If you want to get glowing skin, then increase your vitamin B5 intake. Vitamin B5 also helps your hair grow and get stronger. It improves the texture, growth and volume of your hair. Also, damage caused by hair styling products can be undone with the adequate consumption of Vitamin B5. Vitamin B5 also helps in treating and healing skin conditions like eczema, insect bites, poison ivy and diaper rash.

 Improves digestive system

People with vitamin B5 deficiency are more likely to experience digestive problems like acidity and constipation. So if you want to improve your gut health, then try to increase your Vitamin B5 intake. It will surely support your digestive health and also assists your body in using other vitamins, especially vitamin B2.

 Treats respiratory issues and manages liver function

Studies suggest that supplements with vitamin B5 are also useful for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Cough, cold, asthma and other bronchial conditions are treated with vitamin B5 supplements. vitamin B5helps to synthesis coenzyme A and a higher concentration of this enzyme eliminate toxins from the body and in turn facilitates liver functions.

Sources of Vitamin B5.

For the proper functioning of the body, vitamin B5 is highly essential. This water-soluble vitamin is produced in the body in very limited quantities, unlike the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. So we must be solely dependent on external food sources and nutrients to satisfy food supplement requirements. Mother Nature has provided us with a plethora of natural food sources with vitamin B5 that fulfil our everyday needs. Vegetable sources of Vitamin B5 are cauliflower mushrooms, kale, tomatoes, avocado, broccoli, sweet potatoes, corn and legumes like lentils, split peas, and soybeans. Whole-grain bread and cereals are also great sources of Vitamin B5.  egg yolk, milk, yoghurt, and milk products are a dairy source of Vitamin B5. You should also consume chicken, meat and fishes like salmon, lobster, and shellfish to meet the vitamin B5 requirements of your body.

Final Words!

You can easily fulfill your body’s requirements for Vitamin B5. If you want to improve your gut health, hair, skin, eyesight, nervous system and cardiovascular health, then increase your Vitamin B5 intake. It will also help you prevent or treat severe diseases and condition.