Are Online Pharmacies Safe: A Breakdown

With the current world situation, many people are unwilling or unable to leave their homes to go to a brick and mortar pharmacy. Not all pharmacies are willing to ship medication (especially when they’re small and local pharmacies) so this leaves people in at-risk groups unable to access their medications.

If you fit into this category, have you considered online pharmacies? 

You’ve probably heard of these pharmacies that are based out of Canada. They fill your prescriptions online and send them to your doorstep. 

But are online pharmacies safe? What are the risks involved? Are they a scam disguised as a great opportunity?

Let’s talk about it. Keep reading to learn all about the safety of using online pharmacies. 

Can They Connect With Your Doctor? 

Some people have concerns about online pharmacies because they’re unsure if their doctor is in contact (or even involved at all). With local pharmacies, you can be sure that the pharmacy can contact your doctor via phone or email, and even that they have likely interacted with them before. 

Online pharmacies might not have as much communication with your doctor, but if your medication requires a prescription, your doctor will be consulted. They have to be or you can’t order the medication!

This means that if they insist that you need non-generic medication due to slight differences in the formula, you’ll be getting it, and those medications should be consistent across countries. 

Do They Have “Real” Pharmacists?

Some people are under the misguided impression that buying medication online means that no real pharmacists are consulted. 

This isn’t true. In a legitimate online pharmacy, there are pharmacists that you can consult with about your medication. Pharmacists know more about medication and drug combinations than most doctors and it can be important to talk to one if you have any questions. 

These pharmacists are available to help you just as the ones in the “in-person” pharmacies would be.  

Can You Guarantee Legitimacy 

Very few things in the world are guaranteed. That being said, there are things that you can look for to check if the online pharmacy that you’re considering is legitimate. 

If a pharmacy doesn’t require a prescription from your doctor to order prescription medication, you should steer clear. It’s also best to avoid prices that seem too low to be realistic.

While other countries have lower prices on their medications, they’re not low enough to raise red flags. For example, a medication that normally costs $100 being sold for $5 would be questionable.

Canadian pharmacies also have a mark of approval if they’re legitimate. Certified pharmacies are vetted by They often put that verification somewhere on their website because it’s a mark of pride. Look around for it! 

Check here for more information about what a legitimate online pharmacy looks like. 

Are Online Pharmacies Safe? We Think So!

You always need to do your research when it comes to buying things online but there’s nothing inherently wrong with online pharmacies. 

You still need your doctor’s mark of approval, they still have pharmacists working on-site, and there are ways to check the legitimacy of the pharmacy! So are online pharmacies safe?

We don’t see why not! Check one out today to see if an online pharmacy is right for you.

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