Understanding the Causes of Chronic Back Pain

When one of the components of your back mechanically malfunctions, you can experience back pain. In most cases, the malfunctions are caused by soft tissue injuries or mechanical issues caused by our daily activities or accidents.  Therefore, acute back pain can be expected in our daily lives but can often turn into chronic pain if it persists.

The cause of your back pain may be beyond what you think or believe to be. Therefore, it is essential to see a spine specialist for diagnosis to unveil the cause of the pain. An interventional pain specialist William Yancey, MD, can effectively diagnose your back pain and track the underlying causes through a versatile approach to back pain at Yancey Pain & Spine. For your information, some of the common causes of back pain are discussed here.

Muscle Strain and Ligament Sprain

A strain in the muscles can be sudden or develop slowly over time. It can occur when muscles are damaged as a result of overstretching and tearing. Sprains happen when over-stretching affects ligaments that hold the bones together. However, whether the muscles or ligaments are affected, the symptoms are similar and can be caused by the following:

·    Improper lifting of heavy objects which can cause a twist in the spine. It’s good to always lift with your legs.

·    Any sudden movement can cause too much stress on the back.

·    Injuries from sporting activities involving a great force of impact.

·    Poor postures for a long time.

Herniated Disc

A disk in the lumbar area can rapture and degenerate to the extent of causing the gel within the disk to push outward into the spinal canal. The disc can press the spinal nerves causing pain.

Disc Degeneration

Discs act as shock absorbers and, with age, can begin to shrink. This shrinking causes the vertebrae to rub against each other at the joints and can result in pain. However, back pain is not experienced by everyone with disc degeneration.


This is a disease of the joints that can be caused by weight, genetics, injury, and other disorders. It causes wear and tears in the joints, which can cause chronic back pain.

Spinal Stenosis

This is a condition where the openings in which the spinal nerves exit the spinal column narrows down. It is typically associated with age when the discs are shrinking.


It is a fracture caused by a crack or stress on the vertebrae that can weaken the bone, making it unable to maintain its position on the spine. Back pain can be experienced when the vertebrae slip out of place.


This is a bone disease resulting from excess bone loss, which can cause the remaining bones to weaken. The weak bones become vulnerable and can break easily, causing pain. For those above the age of 50, it is advisable to consult your doctor for a possible bone density test.

Other Factors

Other common factors can cause back pain, such as bone infection, cancer, kidney disease, ovarian cyst, and fibromyalgia.

Back pain can be common, but some sensations can indicate a medical emergency. They include:

·    Sharp pain rather than a dull ache

·    Sudden weakness in the legs

·    Radiating pain

·    Numbness

·    Incontinence

The first step of understanding the causes of chronic pain is to consult a pain specialist who can help you identify any problems associated with the pain. You can book an appointment with Dr. Yancey and begin your pain-relieving journey.