Turkey Tail and Its Health Benefits

Some mushrooms contain compounds known to benefit health. One type of mushrooms with medicinal properties is called the Turkey Tail mushroom, or Trametes versicolor, also known as Coriolus versicolor. Many countries around the world used turkey tail to treat many health conditions. Trametes versicolor is considered one of the best researched mushrooms and sits right on top with other medicinal mushrooms. Aside from medicinal benefits, the turkey tail is also popular for its striking colors. It also resembles the shape of a coral.

Trametes versicolor is a type of fungi which grows on tree trunks and fallen trees in wooded areas. Turkey tail mushrooms can be found in different parts of the world. Because of its abundance, people during earlier times used Trametes versicolor as a health supplement, particularly to boost the immune system. In fact, in many Asian cultures, this mushroom symbolizes longevity and health, spiritual attunement and infinity. It is known in Chinese culture as Tun Zhi andhas been used for centuries by practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as an immunomodulator that boosts immune function and helps fight infections.

Although Trametes versicolor can be found everywhere, it is not advised to eat it raw in the wild because other kinds of mushrooms appear to be similar to Turkey Tail but are actually poisonous. The raw turkey tail is also chewy and has an unpleasant taste. It is recommended to buy this type of fungi from health stores and it’s best to buy organic to avoid toxins that may be found in the soil.

You can incorporate turkey tail mushrooms into your dishes by adding it to your soup, you can also make tea out of it. With its mild and sweet taste, Trametes versicolor is an easy ingredient to mix into a dish, side or beverage of your choice. You can also blend it with a smoothie or even whisk it into a salad dressing.

If you are interested to know more about the health benefits of Turkey Tail mushrooms, read on this piece explains the importance of this type of fungi as a valuable addition to a healthy lifestyle.

Immunity Booster

Turkey tail mushrooms are most known for providing a big boost to our immune systems.Turkey tail mushroom extract contains polysaccharopeptide (PSP) and polysaccharide-K (PSK). These two compounds possess powerful immune-boosting properties. These compounds seem to function by stimulating other immune system cells to kick into high gear. PSP and PSK promote immune response by activating and inhibiting specific types of immune cells and by suppressing inflammation. Because of this, turkey tail mushroom helps the body’s natural response to fight harmful bacteria and viruses. Some people who are taking turkey tail noted that they do not frequently get sick. Or even if they catch the common cold or flu, the illness seems to be less severe and they recover from it in a much shorter period of time.

Packed With Antioxidants

Turkey tail contains an impressive array of antioxidants which are chemical compounds thought to combat damage caused by oxidative stress such as sun exposure, pollutants and other harmful substances. When there is an imbalance between antioxidants and unstable molecules known as free radicals, it leads to oxidative stress. When oxidation occurs, it results in cellular damage and chronic inflammation. To fight oxidation and inflammation, our body needs to have abundant antioxidants so we need to eat foods rich in antioxidants. Luckily for us, turkey tail is loaded with antioxidants, including phenols and flavonoids.

Cancer Fighting Potential

Researchers are conducting studies on Turkey Tail as complementary to cancer treatments. In one study conducted in Japan and Korea, cancer patients who used turkey tail extract as supplement with their chemotherapy and radiation therapy, saw reduced recidivism rates of gastric, breast, colorectal, and lung cancers. Turkey Tail’s immune-boosting properties appear to be responsible for this promising effect. Moreover, cancer patients who took turkey tail extract everyday had a significant survival advantage. But it is important to remember that turkey tail mushroom extract is not a standalone treatment, instead some studies found the turkey tail extract to have benefits for people who use them alongside traditional treatments prescribed by a medical professional.

Promotes Gut Health

Prebiotics are a type of fiber that act as a food source for healthy bacteria in the gut, they are helpful bacteria that boost gut health. You can support your gut microbiome by eating probiotic-rich foods or you can also take turkey tail extract because it contains prebiotics which helps the gut regulate its balance of bacteria.


As more and more studies are conducted on turkey tail mushrooms, the health benefits that can be derived from this type of fungi are slowly being confirmed. This mushroom extract offers an impressive range of health benefits – from boosting the immune system, providing antioxidants, supplementing certain cancer treatments to improving gut health. If you want to add turkey tail mushroom and find out these health benefits for yourself, you can buy turkey tail extract instead of going mushroom hunting simply to reap turkey tail benefits.