Tips to Stay Healthy After Body Contouring

Body contouring is a popular trend that includes a set of procedures to help you achieve your ideal body shape quickly. However, most people resume their old habits and gain weight after the procedure. Ian Walker MD and the team at Robert Andrews Laser & Medical Aesthetics use body contouring to help individuals achieve their desired shape. Here is how to take care of your body after body sculpting.

Drink water

Body contouring is an effective option that slims and shapes your curves. After spending your money improving your body shape, you can maintain the results and keep off excess fat by drinking water.

The body needs water for it to function and stay well hydrated. Taking a glass of water after a meal keeps you energized and active.

Watch what you eat

Eat a well-balanced diet and stay away from snacks or fatty food. Eat everything in good portions and avoid saturated fats as they can increase cholesterol levels. Fats from avocados, fish, nuts, and seeds are relatively safe, whereas fat from red meat, butter, and palm oil can increase your weight.

Ensure your diet has enough proteins as they help in promoting fullness and reducing appetite. Proteins boost certain hormones essential in regulating your weight. You can limit the number of carbs present in a diet to help maintain your desired weight.

For you to stay healthy, you can refrain from smoking and reduce your alcohol intake since it contains sugars that may increase your weight.  

Likewise, skipping a meal does not mean losing weight. It is important not to miss food which is essential in achieving your fitness goals and promoting good eating habits.


Workouts are necessary to trim your body and maintain the right shape. The advantage of exercising is that you get to burn calories and fat. Also, you gain some muscle and it also helps in improving your blood circulation.

However, to get the desired results from exercises, you can combine them with other measures such as eating a healthy diet. It is important to check your weight regularly and monitor the performance of your fitness goals.

Lifting weights is an example of a workout activity that helps in maintaining the right weight. Other exercises include running, cycling, and walking. Also, you can stay healthy by visiting your local gym and maintain a regular workout routine.

Use metabolism boosters

Having the right energy balance helps in burning the calories and therefore prevents gaining a lot of weight.

Some types of food such as spices, cottage cheese, and green tea can improve your metabolism. Even though they may not reduce your weight, it is important to have them in the diet as they boost the performance of the cells.

Get enough sleep

It is important to rest at least eight hours a day for your body to stay in good shape. Sleeping keeps you away from unhealthy diets and gives the body time to recover and gain more energy.

People who opt for body contouring can maintain their desired bodies through lifestyle changes. For more information, contact the experts at Robert Andrews Laser & Medical Aesthetics for consultation and treatment.