Simple Steps to Deal With Acute Pain in a Much Better and Effective Way

Pain is one of the most unwanted and undesirable things in the world. No matter what kind of pain it is, people always want a way out of it. Acute pain is one of the worst and most-dreaded things that millions of people have to experience every day.

To understand more about acute pain management, you must know about acute pain.

What is acute pain?

Acute pain is the pain that medical experts believe is directly linked to soft tissue damage. Some of the most common injuries that might cause you to contact the car accident chiropractor in Marietta due to acute pain are:

  • Sprained ankles
  • Whiplash 
  • Paper cuts

Acute pain is of short term but it improves slowly as the damaged tissues recover. Acute pain is different from chronic pain, which is generally acute and much more intense.

This can cause strained muscles, mobility issues, loss of strength, and change in regular eating patterns. It can affect your feelings, as well. Several people are feeling down, frustrated, or nervous about coming back from the pain and discomfort caused by the injury.

We can say that pain leaves some unpleasant, unwanted, and unstable sensations in your body. This is mostly a result of potential tissue damage. Acute pain is one of the most difficult medical problems to diagnose and establish a complete treatment plan.

Symptoms of acute pain can be quite complex and they can last for hours sometimes an in case of most complex cases, it could lead to days and even weeks.

Some of the most common reasons why people might suffer from acute pain are:

  • Tissue injury
  • Inflammation
  • Childbirth
  • Pain resulting due to surgical procedure
  • Neuropathic pain
  • Psychogenic pain
  • Cancer and similar malignant diseases

Acute pain can increase with time if not treated properly. You must reach out to your medical specialist immediately if you feel any abnormality in the regular pattern of functioning.

We can say that it’s a cause that shouldn’t be left neglected.

Acute Pain Management

You must know the pain better than anyone else. So as challenging as coping with it has been, the experience holds the key to having a strategy for handling it.

Every human is unique, and unfortunately so is the way a certain injury reacts to their body. In short, we can say that every pain is different for different body types. We cannot mention a standardized treatment procedure. The best way of handling your case may be very different from what works for anyone else. Your treatment depends on issues like:

  • The reason that injury was caused in the first place
  • How bad it really is
  • How long it lasts
  • That makes it worse or better

Make sure to share the information with the health care provider with whom you work. It will help them find the right answers for you.

Finding the best idea can be a phase. You should try a mix of factors and then inform your doctor everything that you have experienced related to the discomfort. Your doctor will be able to recommend you with the plan and everything that you need to consider or change for a successful treatment.

Many Marietta pain clinics have been able to successfully treat their patients with acute pain based on this process.

Steps to deal better with acute pain

Recognize the sensations that are causing you pain

Take a moment to focus on what is actually causing your discomfort. Is there any burning sensation, sharp cool vibes or simply tingling in the affected area?

No matter what the issue is, you must be able to recognize the type of pain it is. This is known as sensory splitting and this phenomenon allows you to recognize that pain comes in sensations and acute pain is not just a big blob of boo-boo right on a particular region of your body.

When you can distinguish the sensations caused due to the injury, you will know exactly why the pain is occurring and you will be able to handle it much better emotionally.

Just keep a track of all the sensations that your body is going through and you are much less likely to deal with stress filled thoughts and emotions.

Divert all your attention to body parts that are not feeling any pain

You might be thinking that if it is hurting you, it’s everywhere. Well, you might be wrong. Many specialists from Marietta pain clinic always recommend that if you ponder upon your body and look for parts that are not affected by the pain, there is a possibility of finding them.

Allow you to dive deep into that pain and find soothing sensations.

If you focus on only that one part of your body and let the other parts lose, it will become the dominating sensation and will eventually take over the pain.

If you and not too much can ask for, you can always engage your mind and the pain-free region of your body in some form of movement.

Before you seek services of medical specialists, this is a great way to focus on the fact that your whole body is not damaged and you will be okay after a session with the pain clinic and another one with your car accident chiropractor in Marietta.

Most people don’t know this but chiropractors can be a useful addition to your regular treatment at the pain clinic as this is an alternative therapy that allows you to strengthen your core organs and spine.

Seek physical therapy as soon as possible

Once you are out of the pain clinic, you must look for an alternative therapy that can accelerate the entire recovery process. Physical therapy is one of the most important aspects that can lead to the patients’ health getting better and it will allow you to regain the lost strength.

However, it is to ensure that you must not take any step like this unless it has been prescribed and approved by your pain clinic specialist.

Through these therapies, you can carry the healing to the next stage. In physiotherapy, the precise exercises you need to reinforce, relax, and heal from damage would be the priority.

The physician can also prescribe physical therapy that focuses on climbing a flight of stairs and then coming back, opening a bottle, or getting in and out of a car with less discomfort.

Go for a massage

It’s not a solution, but it will hopefully relieve pain and alleviate the muscular tension. To nominate a massage professional, ask your doctor or physiotherapist. Inform them about the discomfort you feel at your first rendezvous. So if the massage feels too hard, make sure to state your issue to the person in charge of massaging as well as mention it to the doctor in charge of treating your acute pain.


Whenever you feel acute pain due to any reason that has the tendency to damage your soft tissues, your first option should always be your pain clinic doctor. Even though your doctor would be able to offer you appropriate therapy and treatment procedure, it is up to you to manage the pain.

We have described acute pain management in this article and it can be extremely effective if practiced correctly.