Importance of Seeing a Chiropractor for Pain Management

You cannot manage your own rehabilitation as it can be risky due to the probability of pain relapse and prolonged healing, which further complicates your condition. Getting a skilled chiropractor would help treat extensive medical conditions that affect the spinal cord, brain, nerves, bones, tendons, and muscles.

You can visit Dr. James Sheehan, an expert in evaluating and treating illnesses, injuries, and disabilities. The doctor will use multiple diagnostic tools to assess your injuries and ensure that your treatment helps in the recovery process.

How Chiropractors Relieve Chronic Pain

Chiropractors use their hands to manipulate your spine and other technologies to treat pain and align joints, thus improving your life after chronic pain. The proper alignment of your body, especially the spine, would help your body heal without medication or surgery. Chiropractors are encouraged first to conduct a physical examination, perform lab tests, and check your medical history to determine the appropriate treatment for your pain. The treatment may Importance of Seeing a Chiropractor for Pain Management include manual adjustments as the chiropractor handles your joints to improve the quality and range of motion, improve and restore functioning, and prevent injury, which can aid in pain relief. The chiropractors mostly use state-of-the-art diagnostic technology to isolate problem areas faster and more accurately than traditional rehabilitation methods.

Why you need a chiropractic expert for chronic pain

Chiropractors could administer treatments that include a therapeutic massage and adjustments of the spine, which aligns your body and improves its overall function. The root cause of chronic pain is treated after a diagnosis has been made. Chiropractors ensure that your joints are moving well, and the surrounding muscles are functioning correctly.

People of all ages can get help from chiropractors.  The treatment’s force and intensity vary with the age of the patient; therefore, it could help to ask for the preferred massage intensity. It would help if you got screened before being assigned to chiropractic care. For instance, older patients’ bones may have soft or thin tissues, which will make it hard for joint manipulation. Additionally, the appropriate intensity of massage and treatment does not hurt the muscles.

Chiropractic is essential, especially if you are pregnant, as women mostly experience back pain. Again, the extra baby weight can cause wearing the spine, while hormonal change can contribute to chronic back pain. Chiropractic care helps to reduce the intense pressure and the pain you are feeling. The massage would help your body to be more relaxed and healthy for labor.


Chiropractic experts help you get a solution to your long-term pain relief and improve your overall wellness and health. Although some problems can be corrected easily with chiropractors’ help, you will be diagnosed first, and then your condition will be treated from the root cause to ensure that life flows smoothly.  You can trust chiropractic care as it is considered safe and effective in treating chronic pain as it gets better on its own within a period of a few weeks. You don’t have to feel distressed when you are using narcotic pain medication.