Our tongue is connected to our mind, but sometimes we can’t control our tongue and end up saying that we were not supposed to say. Our words can hurt someone’s feelings badly, so it’s very important to control our wild tongue. Whether it’s you or someone who’s dear to you, there are certain steps that need to be taken to control a wild tongue. Here in this blog, we’ve brought a list of tips that will surely help you in controlling your tongue. Check out these impactful tips to tame a wild tongue.
1. Learn verbal control
When a person is nervous, he ends up saying that was not required. In a stressful situation try to calm down and have a control on your words. Take a deep breath and then say any word when you are in a discussion. Take a pause of 10 seconds when you speak. First think what are you going to say, if it seems a good thought speak after 10 seconds. If you don’t have 10 seconds to respond, at least pause for 3 seconds and then say your words wisely. Even if you don’t like a person, don’t react to their talks instantly, think twice, as your words can be harsh and hurt someone.
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2. Accept what you say
Even if you said something out of line, learn to accept it and feel sorry for what you said. Admit that you shouldn’t have said what you did. This is the most important step in making amends for your wild tongue. If you think that your comment was offensive or rude and you’ve hurt someone, apologize immediately. If you’ve made an offensive comment on an online post, delete it immediately or apologize for your words.
3. Consider the effects of your words
Sometimes, your wild tongue can put a negative impact on your career, relationships and reputation. So, don’t let your tongue run wild while talking to anybody. If you are reputed personality in a town, state or a country, you need to choose your words wisely. Your words can either make you or break you. If you want to be on good terms with everyone, be careful about what you say. Say things that show your intelligence, kindness, maturity and problem-solving skills. Think what effects your words can put on your relationships and persona. If you’ve been told by many to think before you say, then it’s the time when you need to start controlling your tongue.
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4. Limit alcohol
Sometimes people say negative and offensive words under the influence of alcohol, which can ruin their entire reputation and relationships. Intoxication can stop you to think before saying and later you are going to regret what you’ve said. If you are concerned about your wild tongue and alcohol puts a negative impact on your ability to think, then avoid alcohol. Especially if you are in a gathering, don’t just touch the glass of your favourite whiskey.
5. Learn to listen
When you are in a discussion on a sensitive topic like finance, religion, politics, reservation, race, etc. try to listen, instead of saying before thinking. Comments of some serious topics can hurt someone’s beliefs and values. You need to be a listener first and control your tongue. Some topics can be offensive and even trigger your anger, but don’t react instantly. Think twice and then say anything.
Controlling your tongue is not a tough task. Just try to think before you say anything. Try to polish your mind, so that it can control your wild tongue.