How to Maintain Optimal Eye Health

Our pair of eyes is one of the most important sensory organs that our body has. Sense of sight is crucial to our daily living. It is so important that the lack of it will require extensive training to rely on our other senses for perceiving our surroundings. Our eyes are also very sensitive organs that can be prone to infection and damage from our environment and daily habits. While we may currently still have good vision in our youth, only time will tell if we may soon suffer from extensive sight problems in the future. For those wishing to avoid such fate with their eyes, here are some tips that one can practice to maintain one’s eye health.

There is a saying that goes “Prevention is better than cure.” Indeed, one must exercise all possible means if he is able to prevent a condition from arising in his eyes instead of reacting only when the issue is already there. There are many things that one can do at this point while he still has healthy eyes. These steps break down into three main categories – (1) Diet, (2) daily habits, and (3) medical care.  Each will be discussed in detail below.

The human body is a unit whose parts are in full coordination with one another that is fueled by the food we consume. The food we eat is broken down into nutrients by the acids in our stomach. There are certain food that can provide beneficial nutrients to our eyes. The following nutrients such as fatty acids, omega-3, zinc, lutein, and those rich in vitamins C and E can help fight off the formation of cataracts and macular degeneration. These nutrients help in the repair of tissues and optical nerves in the eyes.  Salmon, tuna, and oily fish are rich in omega-3 and fatty acids. Vegetables that have green leaves such as kale and spinach have lots of lutein and zinc. Oranges and citrus fruits are abundant in vitamin C and E. Incorporating these foods into your diet is a step in the right direction in keeping our eyes in good condition.

Aside from the food we eat, our daily living habits also play a significant role in taking care of one’s eyes.  Like any organ, our eyes also have limitations and can be affected by how we treat them every day. Certain bad habits can degrade our eyes’ ability to process light accurately and thus affecting our eyesight. Extensive exposure to light such as from computer screens and smartphones without rest has long been proven to cause degraded vision problems. When using such gadgets, it is important to take a short break every hour or so to prevent strain in the eye. Also, maintain proper distance between the screen and the eyes. Touching or rubbing one’s eyes with our bare unclean hands can also induce infection. If our eyes are itchy, it is best to use a clean cloth or tissue to remove the foreign object causing the itch.

Lastly, while good eating habits and practices are paramount for maintaining eye health, there may still come a time that we encounter an issue with our vision. When this happens, it is important that we seek medical help right away instead of enduring our condition. This is because the extension of our condition with proper medication can lead to even more extensive damage to the eyes. In seeking consultation for our eye problems, one must seek help from an eye doctor who has the needed expertise to diagnose and treat our condition. They are fully trained to aid us in providing medication, corrective eyewear, or surgery if needed to bring our vision back to normal. Those looking for eye doctors near their area can visit this website which lists all available eye doctors including their contacts.

Taking care of one’s eyes need not be expensive and demanding. Following the steps listed above will bring you one step closer to having healthier eyes and one step away from developing any vision problems in the future. While it may seem these steps are not needed if you already have healthy eyes now, please remember that your eyes can still develop ailments in the years to come especially if you do not take care of them. For your future vision, take care of your eyes.