Vitamin B6, also called pyridoxine is a water-soluble vitamin that is significant for several functions. It maintains the protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism and creates red blood cells and neurotransmitters in the body. B6 is involved in more than 150 enzyme reactions which help your body to process the protein, carbs and fat. The Vitamin is also intricately linked with the functions of your nervous and immune systems. Since our body is not capable to produce Vitamin B6 on its own, so we need to obtain from foods and supplements.Usually,people get enough vitamin B6 through their diet, but it will be good to avoid its deficiency.It is advised to take adequate amounts of vitamin B6 as it isessential for optimal health and prevent and treat chronic diseases.
Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin B6 Deficiency:
Vitamin B6 is one of the eight vitamins in the B complex group. Its deficiency is common in people with the diseases related to kidney, liver, digestion, or autoimmunity. Also, smokers, alcoholics and pregnant women may feel its deficiency.
Detailed signs and symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency are as follows:
- Skin rashes: Red, itchy rashes called seborrheic dermatitis is a common symptom of deficiency of Vitamin B6. Skin rashes may be related to your scalp, neck, faceand upper chestwhich may appear in oily, flaky and white patches appearance. Vitamin B6 helps synthesize collagenwhich is needed for healthy skin.
- Cracked and Sore Lips: Cracked mouth corners, sore, red and swollen lipsresult from B6 deficiency. Having cracked and sore lips are very painful and consuming B6 by correct diet or supplement may clear up these symptoms.
- Sore, Glossy Tongue: If you have a B6 deficiency, your tongue may become sore, inflamed, swollen, smoothor reddened; this is called glossitis.Replenishing B6 treats glossitis and remove all related problems.
- Mood Changes: Deficiency of B6: Deficiency of B6 affects your mood and results to depression, irritability, anxiety and increased feelings of pain.
- Weakened Immune Function: A deficiency in B6 results in the decreased production of antibodies needed to fight infections, inflammation, and various cancers.
- Tiredness and Low Energy: Vitamin B6 helps making hemoglobin and its deficiency can leave you feeling unusually tired, weak, sluggish and reduced oxygen throughout your body.
- Tingling and Pain in Hands and Feet: Shortness of Vitamin B6 can cause nerve damage called peripheral neuropathy. It effects in clumsiness, balance problems, burning, shooting and tingling pain in your arms, hands, legs and feet.
- Seizures:Vitamin B6 deficiency does not allow your body to make adequate amounts of the calming neurotransmitter GABA so your brain may become overstimulated. Also, it causes symptoms like muscle spasms, rolling eyes and jerky arms or legs. Such cases are more common in people with pregnancy, alcoholism, medication interactions and liver disease.
Health Benefits of Vitamin B6:
- Improves Mood and Reduces Symptoms of Depression – Vitamin B6 is necessary for creating neurotransmitters that regulate emotions, including serotonin, dopamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). This vitamin is responsible for mood regulation as it decreases high blood levels of the amino acid homocysteine that is linked to depression.
- Promotes Brain Health and Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk – Vitamin B6 improves brain function and prevents Alzheimer’s disease. Also, it decreases high homocysteine blood levels that boosts the risk of Alzheimer’s.
- Prevents and Treats Anemia by Aiding Hemoglobin Production – Vitamin B6 helps in preventing and treating anemia as it has its major role in production of hemoglobin, protein that delivers oxygen to your cells. Low levels of vitamin B6 results in anemia, especially in pregnant women.
- Helps Treating Nausea During Pregnancy – Vitamin B6 treats nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. It has highly effective results in treating morning sickness. In short, vitamin B6 plays a vital role in ensuring a healthy pregnancy.
- Prevents Clogged Arteries and Reduces Heart Disease Risks – Vitamin B6 prevents clogged arteries and minimizes heart disease risk. People with low blood levels of vitamin B6 have almost double the risk of getting heart diseases as compared to those with higher B6 levels.
- Helps Preventing Cancer – Vitamin B6 is well-known to lower your risk of developing certain types of cancerand other chronic conditions.
- Promotes Eye Health and Prevents Eye Diseases – Vitamin B6 plays a vital role in preventing eye disease calledage-related macular degeneration (AMD), a type of vision loss that affects older adults.
- Treats Inflammation Associated With Rheumatoid Arthritis – Vitamin B6 helps reducing symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
Supplements and Sources of Vitamin B6:
Taking a balanced diet is enough for consuming Vitamin B6 as it is widely found in many animal and plant foods. You can take B6 rich foods like tuna, skinless chicken breast, baked potato with skin, roasted pistachios, prunes, frozen Brussels sprouts, roasted sunflower seeds, Avocado, turkey, chickpeas, salmonand bananas. Also, it is often found in fortified foods like breakfast cereals and nutrition bars.
Side Effects of Excessive Vitamin B6:
Consuming too much Vitamin B6 from supplements may cause negative side effects. Taking extra Vitamin B6 supplements may cause nerve damage and pain or numbness in the hands or feet.