What is the Difference Between Chicken and Hen

When talking about chickens, we frequently confuse the terms chickens and hens when referring to the same bird. Is there a difference between chickens and hens? Do hens and chickens have distinct characteristics? What are the key distinctions and parallels between these two? In this blog we are going to tell you the Difference Between Chicken and Hen ,so read this blog carefully to get the complete information. So, what are the key distinctions between a chicken and a hen? The gender difference between a chicken and a hen is significant. Chickens are birds that belong to the fowl family. They are a subspecies of the red and grey jungle fowl. A hen is accurately referred to as a chicken, but only if it is female and of egg-laying age can it be called a hen. A person inexperienced with the different stages and ages of poultry may incorrectly call a hen a chicken or a chicken a hen.

What is a Chicken?

A chicken is common domestic poultry, according to the dictionary (Gallus Gallus Domesticus). It’s a subspecies of both the Red Jungle Fowl and the Grey Jungle Fowl, both of which are native to India and Asia. The gender of the bird is not specified by the name chicken. Chicken, like a cat or dog, is the name of a species. A pullet is a chicken that has not yet developed into a hen. The point of a lie has not yet been reached by a pullet. When the female chicken reaches this age, she is ready to begin producing eggs. During this period, the bird should be referred to as a chicken or a pullet.

Chickens are widely used as domestic animals all throughout the world. Chickens are omnivores, which means they can consume a wide variety of foods, including meat, vegetables, insects, and bugs (like worms, ants, etc). A chicken’s typical lifetime ranges from five to 10 years, depending on the breed.

What is a Hen?

A hen is a fully grown chicken that is ready to produce eggs. A hen is a fully matured female chicken of egg-laying age. This stage can occur at any point throughout the female chicken’s or hen’s life, although it is most common when she reaches the age of a year. When the first egg is deposited, the pullet is promoted to a hen. The remainder of the coop’s more experienced hens accepts her. A hen is a mature female chicken that is over a year old and lays eggs, unlike a rooster. The time it takes for chickens to produce eggs is highly dependent on the breed of chicken and the season.

The cartilage or breast bone can also be used to determine if the chicken is a hen. The chicken is not developed enough to be termed a hen if this bone is still soft. Regardless of whether or not a rooster is present, a hen will reach egg-laying age and lay eggs. A mature adult female chicken capable of producing eggs is known as a hen.

The simplest method to know the difference between a hen and a chicken is to remember that a chicken is a general term for any bird, whether male or female, or young, but a hen is an adult female fowl.


I hope, this blog is sufficient enough to clarify the Difference Between Chicken and Hen.