Dance Like Nobody’s Watching

Having fun while working out is one sure-fire way to make sure you keep up with your routine. And what is a more fun workout than dancing? You can feel free to feel the music because dancing is one of the best types of workouts out there and there’s no reason to be self-conscious about this workout choice. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of dance-based workout routines that others may be missing by not turning up that music.

Benefits of Dancing

Strength and Cardio in One

Choosing a good dance workout can help you cut down on how long you need to spend working out. The repetitive moves in dancing can help you improve your strength while the consistent aerobic moving helps you get your heart rate going. At the end of your workout, you’ll be able to have given your muscles an opportunity to strengthen and gotten some cardio in at the same time.  

Good for the Body and the Brain

Working out to dance routines and following steps helps workout your brain along with your body. It can help improve the areas of your brain that use memory, coordination, and focus making you better and stronger in multiple areas of your life not just at the gym! Dancing can also help your brain long-term in diminishing your chances of suffering from dementia. 

Mood-boosting Benefits

The act of busting a move can help you bust negative thoughts and feelings too. Your body releases feel-good chemicals when it realizes your dancing and can help keep you feeling upbeat while working out to the beat. If this is an appealing part of a dance workout, consider joining a dance class that involves others. Dancing can improve social bonds which gives you an extra boost of happiness chemicals that are released during your workout. 


With almost any kind of workout, there can be some misconceptions of how they work best or who they work for. Knowing these ahead of time can help set you up for success and alleviate any embarrassment or unsureness you may feel about getting started. 

Dance Workouts Are Focused on the Ladies

Unfortunately, even today some people feel like certain workouts are for men and others are for women, but this keeps them from getting the benefits of all of them. Don’t let this misconception keep you from a fun workout! You can find a good dance workout for men by keeping in mind the specific benefits you want from your workout and your limitations. You can find many routines that build up strength and muscle, but you’ll want to consider how good your balance is when choosing the difficulty of the workout too. If it’s too hard to balance, you could end up falling and causing injury so you will want to be considerate before you get your boogie on.

You Have to Have Good Rhythm

Sure, having good rhythm will make it easier for you to keep pace during the routine, but it isn’t necessary. You may even find that participating in dance workouts regularly can help you get more of a sense of rhythm. If you are particularly worried about keeping up with the workout, start with a beginner’s workout that typically has a slower beat to follow. 

It’s Not as Good as a “Traditional” Workout

Dance workouts have multiple benefits and can be just as challenging (if not more so!) than typical weightlifting routines or just going for a run. The complex nature of dancing helps you work out muscles that may not be getting the focus that they need in a typical mat workout. If you still aren’t convinced try out a dance workout at the right level for your fitness and see if you aren’t sore the next day! We bet you’ll think differently about how much exercise you are getting from dance! 


In conclusion, don’t let embarrassment keep you from some of the best workout routines out there. You can start turning it up in your living room or a dance class and know that you are getting in an amazing workout that helps you tone your entire body and keeps your brain healthy with it!