Signs You Should See an Eye Doctor

We all understand how essential it is to get regular eye tests. Adults ought to have their eyes examined at least about once every two years, though in some cases your optometrist may advise you to come in more frequently. Here are a few symptoms that should alert you that it’s time to see your eye doctor.

Toxic Objects

If you get sand, dust, toxins, particulate matter, or any other harmful substance in your eyes, you should seek medical attention from an eye doctor in Miami, FL right away. If you have toxins or tiny particles of dirt in your eyes, wash them out for at least fifteen minutes with cool, clean water. Ideally, the damaging material will be removed from your eye before it does further harm.

If you’ve already tried to remove an object that has become stuck in your eye by washing it out with clear, cool water and you still can’t get it out, don’t resort to using your fingertips or tweezers to extract it. You are far more likely to harm your eyes than fix your problem this way. Do not squint or directly touch your eyes. This can enable what is in the eye to shift around, potentially inflicting even more damage. Seek professional assistance immediately.

Eye Irritation

If you experience infrequent, moderate eye discomfort there is likely no cause for concern, but if the discomfort is severe or persistent, you should consult your eye doctor. Pain might signal an infection in your eye or be an indication of a more serious health concern that should be treated before it worsens.

Eye Fatigue

The majority of us spend a significant amount of time peering into display screens, which can result in eye fatigue. Allergy symptoms and even viruses like the flu can lead our eyes to appear fatigued, but that appearance may mask a more serious condition. If you are obeying the 20/20/20 rule and still find that your eyes regularly feel weary you should consult with your eye specialist.

Focusing Issues or Blurry Vision

Suddenly cloudy vision or difficulty focusing could indicate a more serious health problem. If you find it difficult to see due to cloudiness or lack of focus, immediately schedule a visit with your eye doctor as soon as possible. Even if your fuzzy vision is intermittent or confined to only one eye, you should still see your eye physician at the earliest possible instance to prevent further vision impairment.

You needn’t necessarily fear the worst if you find your eyesight has been gradually becoming blurrier over time. This is not uncommon with age and is most likely a sign that your eyesight is weakening or that your prescription has changed. To ensure there is not an underlying issue and to maintain an accurate prescription, schedule regular appointments with your optometrist and make sure to inform them of any changes to your vision.

Infection of the Eyes

You may have an eye problem if your eyelids are puffy, itchy, or red, or the whites of your eyes are discolored pink. Infected eyes may or may not produce discharge, so a lack of discharge is no guarantee they are not infected. If you think you might have an eye infection, have your eyes checked by a professional right away.

Sensitivity to Light

Light hypersensitivity is a frequent sign of a variety of eye illnesses, infections, and diseases. It can often indicate a more severe underlying issue. If you have difficulty seeing in bright lighting conditions, visit your eye specialist as soon as possible.

Itchy or Dry Eyes

Seasonal allergies, as well as extensive time staring at screens, can cause our eyes to become dry and uncomfortable. Eye dryness can, nevertheless, indicate that you do have “dry eye”. Dry eye is a persistent condition that can be treated with a range of non-invasive procedures in a professional clinic or in the comfort of your home. Make an appointment with an eye doctor in Miami, FL to determine if you have dry eyes.

Your eye specialist may advise you to visit them more frequently if they determine you have eyesight issues or an eye condition. Follow their advice and visit them as often as needed to maintain healthy eyesight. Your vision is too precious to lose!