How To Treat Neuroma At Home?

A neuroma is a painful condition that develops by thickening of one of the tissues around the nerves of the toes; this can cause compression or irritation of the nerve. It doesn’t show any external symptoms, but the internal symptoms include numbness of the affected part or burning sensation, and the patient feels as if they are standing on a stone.

The root cause of neuroma is extreme pressure on the nerve or injury of the nerve. However, the patients who are at more significant risks include: 

  • Those who wear high heels.
  • Have a foot injury.
  • Standing jobs.
  • Overweight.
  • Athletics like rock climbing.
  • Foot deformity. 

It can be treated by surgery, but Naperville neuroma specialists usually recommend home remedies first. The condition can be well treated if diagnosed at an early stage. 

However, in conditions like benign neuroma, home remedies and changes in routine life are sufficient to resolve the situation. The doctors perform an X-ray or MRI scan, and according to that, the patients are recommended for home remedies. 

What home remedies can cure neuroma?

  1. Ice and pain medications: this combination is relatively easy and helpful to treat neuroma. The patients must apply an ice pack to the affected part and have anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce inflammation. A drug, CNTX-4975, is directly injected into the site to reduce pain
  1. Change in footwear: footwear is the central issue of a neuroma. However, the patients must go for comfortable shoes to avoid symptoms and reduce pressure on nerves. The shoes must have good arch support, adequate space, and flat heels, moreover in the latest tradition, patients use footpads that are as comfortable as an everyday shoe. 
  1. Massage therapy: physiotherapy or massage of the feet in the best solution against neuroma. It provides relief to the nerves. The treatment must be done gently. It is better to get it done by a physiotherapist because pushing too hard could worsen the case. 
  1. Activity modification: people with standing jobs or confident sportspeople and athletes can have a neuroma. The doctors consult such patients to change their high-impact activities to low-impact activities like swimming or cycling to reduce the pressure on the nerves. The patients can have breaks for short intervals in between their jobs. 
  1. Weight management: the whole body weight can be felt on the feet, so the doctors recommend having a healthy diet and staying fit to support overall health and reduce the pressure on the feet. Patients can also consult a dietitian for a healthy diet. 

Certain times the neuroma cannot be treated by home remedies, so doctors go for advanced techniques like laser therapy or custom orthotics. In severe cases, removal of affected nerves is done.