A Guide to PPE

PPE is abbreviated as Personal Protective Equipment. It became an essential part of our lives recently. Because the human experience is under a significant risk due to the covid-19, PPE is beneficial to all the people for not only doctors or medical professionals. Especially those who are working outside and traveling to multiple locations are advised to carry personal protective equipment for their complete protection and necessary precaution. Lets us have a clear idea about PPE before purchasing it.

Components of PPE 

The elements which are provided in the PPE by the government of India are beneficial, and we will get aware of them in detail as follows – 

  1. Face shield:-  The primary source to get infected with covid-19 is due to the splitting of droplets through cough, sneeze, or any other from the affected person on eyes or face. So to protect our eyes and face, a face shield is a good option that protects mucous membranes on the eyes, nose, mouth, etc. It is the perfect protective gear for the entire face.
  2. Masks:-  It helps to cover the face partially. It protects the mucous membranes not to reach the nose and mouth as the coronavirus is affecting the upper and lower respiratory system majorly. So wearing a mask is mandatory. There are two types of masks. They are –
    1. N – 95 respirator mask
    2. Triple-layer medical mask
  3. Gloves:- From the several observations, doctors declared that the virus stood by for a longer time on metal and other materials. So to avoid touching contaminated grills or doors or things directly, it is advisable to wear gloves. Nitric gloves are better than latex gloves.
  4. Gowns:- It is the perfect preventive measure for the entire body to protect from the coronavirus. These gowns and coveralls are designed with stringent standards to prevent the exposure of biological hormones. It is comfortable to wear and remove, which gives all-round protection to the body. It is also known as a bodysuit.
  5. Shoe covers:- The shoe converter is specially designed with imperial fabric, which helps in both decontamination as well as prevention of the virus. So wearing shoe covers is advisable to everyone.
  6. Headcovers:- The headcover sir preferable to use along with the gowns. These are very beneficial to doctors and medical assistants to infected patients. It covers all the head and neck so that the risk chances are significantly less and more protective than face shield.

Checkpoints before purchasing  PPE kit:- 

In general, we need to spend around $20 to buy the PPE kit. It is good to consider and check the few points before buying it. They are – 

  • One should check the size of the goggles, which is fit and comfortable.
  • You need to take the bodysuit according to your size and shape.
  • The gloves are available in different sizes and materials. You need to pick based on your skin type.
  • Masks and face shields are chosen for the reusable purpose, which gives more protection than disposal.

Please make sure of all these points while buying personal protective equipment.

Disposal of PPE

It is essential to understand the importance of disposing of used personal protective equipment to avoid transferring the virus from one to another. Most of the PPE kits are available in disposal bags. So try to keep all the used things in a disposal bag and throw it away in the place where usually no one goes and touches it. Wrap it with two or more covers like a safety measure. So please follow the guidelines of the government and stay safe and stay healthy. A single-life costs the happiness of the entire family.