8 Essential Practices To Keep Your Teeth And Gums Healthy

Taking good care of our teeth and gums is necessary or a must to keep them healthy at all times.

Whether it’s a Bridgewater dental implant or your natural teeth, brushing is always recommended by dentists. However, sometimes, the most basic yet neglected oral hygiene is brushing the teeth for at least twice a day or having a regular visit with the dentist.

Moreover, aside from preventing cavity build-up and gum disease, good oral hygiene promotes both a healthier mouth and a healthier body as well. Besides, having either tooth decay and gum problems, if left untreated and uncared, can cause severe mouth problems such as pain and worse, tooth loss. 

Furthermore, having an unhealthy mouth can cause bad breath popularly known as Halitosis. It makes the person who had this to have low self-esteem. It would bother him or her that other people might get offended by the noticeably unpleasant odor coming from their mouth. Due to the loss of self-esteem and confidence, it also makes the person less attractive, and it can affect the person’s interpersonal growth negatively.

But the good thing is, we can avoid having those kinds of mouth problems mentioned above through proper and regular dental care that is done both at home and in your dentist’s clinic. We have listed essential yet straightforward practices in keeping your teeth and gums healthy at all times.

Brushing your Teeth Regularly

Brushing your Teeth Regularly

While this should be a no brainer, a lot of people still neglect this simple oral hygiene practice. Brushing the teeth at least twice a day will help remove plaque, prevent bacteria build-up, and it will keep your teeth to look clean. However, for those who have a bigger halitosis problem, we highly recommend brushing your teeth up to three times a day. 

Moreover, one should also know about the proper brushing technique for a cleaner mouth. Also, aggressively brushing won’t make any difference, and it could only damage the tooth enamel and your gums. Aggressive brushing will only make your teeth become sensitive and can cause gum erosion.

A simple brushing in a circular motion for at least 2 to 3 minutes from all sides of the teeth and gums can already make them look fresh and clean. We highly recommend only to use a toothbrush with a soft bristle, and also remember to change it every three months with a new one. Also, don’t forget to brush your tongue and your mouth’s inside walls since it also holds bacteria that cause bad breath.  

Use a Mouthwash

Use a Mouthwash

Aside from regular toothbrushing, adding mouthwash in the process can also benefit your oral health significantly. Since toothbrushing won’t be able to reach areas in the mouth such as those that are in between teeth, a mouthwash will be able to do the job.

Make sure that your mouthwash contains an antibacterial ingredient called chlorhexidine. This ingredient helps control plaque and gingivitis. Take note that not all mouthwash that is available in the market is the same, so it would be better to ask your dentist for recommendations. 

Lessen Your Sugary Treats

Lessen Your Sugary Treats

If you love eating sweet foods such as candies and desserts, and you eat them often, then your teeth are prone to develop cavities. Moreover, one should also avoid food such as crackers, bread, chips, and pasta. These kinds of foods can linger in between the teeth and which could break down into sugar, and which in turn becomes food for acid-producing bacteria. The acid coming from these bacteria can cause tooth decay.

Replace Sugary Drinks

Softdrinks, canned juices, and other sugar-sweetened beverages are one of the primary sources of foods for acid-producing bacteria. If you can’t avoid these kinds of sugary drinks, try to lessen it or replace them with water instead. Besides, sugary drinks won’t just cause you to have cavities, but they also poor when it comes to hydration. 

Consider Using Flouride

Comes from an element called fluorine, Fluoride helps one’s teeth to prevent cavity build-ups. While lots of toothpaste and mouthwash already have this ingredient, experts still highly recommend using Flouride separately to avoid cavities completely. 

Consider Using Floss

Flossing at least once a day can help remove plaque and bacteria from between the teeth since regular tooth brushing won’t reach these areas. It helps to remove food debris that causes bad breath. However, when using floss, make sure to use it gently with up-and-down motions. 

Avoid Smoking/Alcoholism

Smoking is the main reason why a person is having gum diseases since it slows down the body’s immune system. It also makes your mouth look unappealing since it makes your teeth yellowish and you can also have bad breath. Also, we highly recommend lessening if you can’t avoid the intake of alcoholic beverages. Alcoholism promotes bacteria build-up in your mouth.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

For effective oral health care, you should be visiting your dentist at least twice a year to check if you are having severe oral health issues. Since your dentist is equipped with tools and dental types of machinery, he or she will be able to clean every side of your teeth and effectively remove plaque and tartars. Also, they can check if your mouth has signs of cavity build-up, gum disease, and other oral issues. 

In the case that your dentist has to remove damaged teeth, then we highly recommend treatments from professionals like a Bridgwater dental implant as a replacement for your lost teeth. It is a modern way to have a permanent dental implant, and the procedure only lasts for a day, which can restore your smile without all the hassles and headaches when compared with traditional dental implants.

Taking care of your mouth is essential and should be given utmost importance. Follow these simple tips mentioned above for you to have healthy oral hygiene.