Why Athletes May Need Hip Replacements

Athletes are among the people most likely to need hip replacements. Years of playing sports can lead to long-term wear and tear on the joints in your body, including your hips. Even with proper care and rest, athletes can develop arthritis in their joints or another condition requiring a hip replacement. In addition to professional athletes, people who engage in physical activity as part of their regular lifestyle can also develop joint pain.

Here are reasons why athletes may need hip replacements.

What Are the Importance of Hip Replacements?

Fixes wear and tear of the hip joints

The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint, which means it’s a spherical end of the femur bone that fits into a cup-shaped socket in the pelvis. When we’re younger, cartilage covers this joint and acts as a cushion to absorb any impact forces caused by running, jumping, or other repetitive motions. As you age or if you’re in high-impact sports, the cartilage wears down, and the bones start rubbing against each other, causing pain and inflammation.

Hip replacements are a common procedure to alleviate those symptoms. The artificial joints consist of two pieces- an upper piece made of metal or ceramic and a plastic cup that fits over the ball that sits in your acetabulum- the socket part of your pelvis. The joint is then secured with screws. Depending on what was used, replacements can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years before they need to be replaced again.

Helps reduce pain

Athletes cannot perform at their full potential when they are in pain. Hip replacement allows people to eliminate the pain restricting them so they can focus on performing well without worrying about how much pain they might be in.

Allows athletes to play longer

People who have undergone a hip replacement report playing sports longer than they would otherwise have been able to do so before their surgery. This means they can continue playing sports they love even after getting older and experiencing more wear and tear on their joints.

Improves quality of life

Hip replacements improve an athlete’s ability to participate in their favorite activities. Before hip replacements, an athlete could be unable to play their sport or become limited in what they can do on the field or court. However, after the surgery, they’ll resume their normal function.

Prevents early retirement

Athletes who have undergone hip replacements can stay in their sport longer than they would have without the surgery. This means they can continue playing at a high level longer than they would have been able to otherwise.

It makes it easier and more comfortable for athletes to perform

An athlete with knee problems can be difficult to run or bend down low enough for certain sports plays. Hip replacements make it easier for athletes to do these things because there are no longer any restrictions on how much weight can be placed on their hips.

Finally, hip replacement surgery can provide long-term pain reduction, enhancement of mobility and athletic performance, and increased quality of life for athletes with advanced hip failure.