Where In Your Ear Do Audiologists Test Hearing?

Hearing is a vital sense, but it is also one that we are not always aware of. Most people are unaware of the existence of hearing loss until their ears bother them when they don’t hear well. This usually happens in his late 60s or 70s and can last for years before finally getting diagnosed as early as possible. It is important to know where hearing tests are done to improve your ability to understand what you hear.

The ear is an organ in which sounds like speech and music travel from outside the body and into the inner ear through three tiny bones called ossicles, where they are then converted into nerve impulses that travel up to the brain stem and central nervous system for processing.

Where In Your Ear Do Audiologists Test Hearing?

A typical test in a private ear care practice (hearing aid dispenser) is the “ear checkup” and consists of listening to a quick series of tones while specific parts of the ears are identified. In some cases, the audiologist may do a local acoustic reflex test where he rubs the earlobe while saying, “Pay attention to your left ear.” Then he places a finger on an ear lobe and says, “Listen to my finger.” You may also be asked to listen to each sound at low, normal, and high volumes. Different tests exist to determine where in your ear something could be going wrong.

Audiometric Testing Anatomical Locations

It is used to evaluate your ability to hear sound at different volumes, frequencies and pitches. A person can have any number of them as complex problems are likely to be addressed through specific audiometric tests in children and adults, rather than using a single one for all ages.

The audiologist checks ears for any ear wax or fluid, irritation or deformity and fixes them before testing begins. He/she may also place small soft plugs on your ear canal to ensure that the surrounding noises do not interfere with the accuracy of the audiometric test. A noise is played through a set of headphones, and then your response is recorded by pressing a button.

Tympanometry Anatomical Testing Locations

Tympanometry tests are very useful for finding any perforations or defects in the eardrum by measuring its movement in response to air pressure. The audiologist stimulates air pressure with a rubber tube of short bursts and records how fast the middle ear responds to these bursts. The audiologist may also use it to test for middle ear infections.

Why Should You Visit An Audiology Clinic for My Ear Problem?

For anyone who is having trouble hearing, it is common sense that they go to an ear doctor—all the more reason for you to go and get a checkup.

2. The sooner the problem begins, the more likely it can be treated properly and completely.

Be patient about getting a professional hearing aid; if you start early enough in your life, you will have years of enjoying music and other pleasures that are not possible without good hearing.

4. If you start using an assistive device while still young and healthy, you won’t need to use it forever as your hearing loss gets worse with age.

5. If you start early enough, you can still do all the things you want to do, such as taking care of yourself, giving your children everything they need and deserve and more.

6. An audiologist, https://torontofamilyhearing.com/, can certainly help with tinnitus, a problem where sounds are heard in the ears or head that may or may not be related to hearing loss. A common complaint with tinnitus is not being able to sleep. This is because many people associate the sounds in their head with the need to sleep and therefore find it difficult to fall asleep when they hear these sounds often.

7. A full hearing test and ear exam could make all the difference because audiologists know where and how to look to help you with your hearing problem. They can look at your ear holistically and systematically diagnose any problems related to your ear. As ear doctors, they know how to test different anatomical parts of the ear.

This holistic approach will ensure that you are fit and healthy all the while enjoying life to the fullest, just as you always hoped for!