What You Should Know About Hand Injuries

Hand injuries can be quite demanding and leave you indisposed, especially if your job demands the use of your hands. In case you injure your hand, an orthopedic surgeon with a specialty in the delicate hand structures is critical for lasting remedy. For La Jolla hand injuries, contact Upper Extremity Specialists of Synergy Orthopedic Specialists Medical Group for expert diagnosis and an outstanding treatment experience.

Common Hand Injuries

Each of your hands contains nineteen delicate phalangeal and metacarpal bones and eight carpal bones. These bones are linked by a network of tendons, muscles, and ligaments. Sadly, these small bones and muscles are susceptible to injuries. The degree of vulnerability increases if you are active in sport, or your career entails repetitive motion.

Some of the common hand injuries are as below;

·       Tendonitis

·       Fractures

·       Jersey finger

·       Proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint dislocation

·       Boutonniere deformity

·       Arthritis

·       Baseball (mallet) finger

·       Thumb sprains

Injuries such as sprains and fractures commonly originate from impact accidents such as catching a baseball incorrectly or preventing a fall using your hands. Also, repetitive motions that are stressful and irritating to your tendons and muscles over time are among the common causes of hand pain injuries.

Diagnosing Hand Injuries

Upon visiting Upper Extremity Specialists of Synergy and Orthopedic Specialists Medical Group, your provider conducts thorough exams to detect the injury and its underlying cause. They discuss your symptoms and how you got your injury.

Afterward, they feel your muscles, bones, and tendons, looking for signs of abnormality and inflammation. You may also be asked to flex or pick up small objects and extend your fingers during diagnosis. If need be, your medic orders x-rays, MRIs, or nerve conduction studies for proper diagnosis or to locate your injury.

Hand Injuries Treatment

You can find personalized treatment plans at the practice, including operative and nonoperative therapies, to address your type of hand injuries and pathologies. Mostly, the physicians try nonoperative methods first. They recommend such treatments as;

·       Bracing

·       Compression

·       Anti-inflammatory injections

·       Physical therapy

You do not have to worry if your treatment demands surgery. The expert panel has vast expertise and training in surgical repair of hand injuries to offer relief. They pride in a collection of meticulous surgeons who can precisely mend the small and delicate structures of your hand.

Other Services

  • Shoulder Injuries- Shoulders are prone to injuries since they are some of the most mobile joints in your body. When you experience abnormal pain in your shoulder areas, contact Upper Extremity Specialists Group for a customized treatment plan.
  • Wrist Injuries- It is vital to prevent wrist injuries at all costs since they can be devastating. If you happen to experience this uncomfortable pain, your expert specialists are skilled in treating numerous wrist injuries and nerve problems.
  • Elbow Injuries- Your elbows are prone to injuries if you are active in a sport that requires repetitive movements. If your elbow pain persists, contact Upper Extremity Specialists for expert diagnosis and customized treatment.
  • Sports Medicine- Training and competition exert a lot of physical stress on your body if you are an athlete. Your repetitive movements leave you vulnerable to injuries. Contact Kristopher Downing, MD, and his team for superior and customized sports medicine.

When you suffer an acute hand injury or painful condition from a recurring strain injury, seeking professional help is in your best interests. Contact Upper Extremity Specialists of Synergy Orthopedic Specialists Medical Group for outstanding care.