What is Stress Management? Why Is It Important?

Life’s journey has its ups and downs, and stress is one of the lows and a standard part of the human experience. Stress may affect people of all ages due to your busy job schedule, chronic illness, and relationship problems. While stress may sometimes motivate you to achieve your goals, chronic stress may affect your productivity and put your physical and mental health at risk. Your wellness center in Boynton Beach, FL, can help you practice stress management techniques to become resilient and find equilibrium even when under pressure.

What is stress management?

Stress management involves a set of techniques and programs that help you deal with stress effectively, making you happier and more productive. The kind of approach used may vary for different individuals as stress management is not a one-size-fits-all. Identifying significant stressors in your life is the first step your wellness specialist may suggest before recommending treatment such as therapy and medication. Pinpointing the sources of chronic stress can be challenging and may need you to look closely at your habits and attitudes. However, stressors such as heartbreaks and changing jobs may be easier to identify.

The different types of stress management techniques

Focus on your breathing pattern

How you breathe may sometimes determine how calm your body and brain are. If you are in a stressful meeting or suddenly get anxious with your friends, breathing exercises may help you reduce your stress in a few minutes. Fortunately, with breathing exercises, no one will know when you are doing them. Here is how you can go about that.

·         Inhale air through your nose as you slowly count to three. Watch your belly pump with air as you do this. Hold your breath for a second and slowly breathe out through your nose as you count to three as you did before.

·         Imagine the cool fresh air spreading throughout your body as you breathe in through your nose. As you breathe out, imagine that you are exhaling out all the anxiety, stress, and tension.

Engage in regular exercise

People who exercise regularly get better sleep – a good way to renew or refresh the body and mind. However, it is best to exercise not so close to bedtime as this may disrupt your sleep. There are various high-impact and low-impact exercises that you may practice, for example, dancing, cycling, walking, and aerobics. Besides enhancing your sleep quality, exercise may help improve your mood by stimulating the release of feel-good hormones – endorphins and endocannabinoids that also help reduce pain. If you have a tight work schedule and do not find time for formal exercise, here is a list of things you can do.

·         Talk a walk during lunch break at your place of work.

·         Take the stairs instead of using the elevator or lift.

·         Cycle to the store rather than driving.

·         Park your vehicle far away from your door to allow you to walk frequently.

A lot of trial and error is involved in finding the best relief strategies to help you deal with stress. If you need help doing this, visit your wellness specialist at PharmXhealthOne to keep stress at a manageable level and improve your overall well-being.