What Are the Challenges of Living With Dementia?

Nearly 10 million new cases of dementia spring up every year. This means that there is a new crop of individuals trying to navigate their way through memory care and figure out the best form of dementia treatment. Individuals living with dementia struggle with their lives changing daily.

If your loved one is struggling with dementia, it goes a long way to understanding what they’re going through. Before you find yourself angry with the person, it is important to familiarize yourself with the disease. It’s time to take a look at the types of dementia and the dementia treatment that might give you more time with your loved one.

This guide will give you a little insight into what your loved one goes through daily.

Nutrition Is a Struggle

For individuals suffering from dementia, there is a food regression that may take place. Nutrition becomes a difficult task to remember and taste buds may once again change. Getting your loved ones to maintain their diet isn’t always the easiest.

They may forget that they’ve eaten and look for food frequently. Your loved one may also think they’ve already eaten and insist that they’re full. There are many different sides that the nutrition struggle may take.

Anxiety Leads to Agitation

Your loved one may be experiencing more anxiety than you might expect. There could be agitation coming from that anxiety that you aren’t sure how to handle. They are going through things that not even they understand and it is a scary feeling to be lost in their own mind.

Dealing with the anxiety and agitation that comes with dementia isn’t an easy task. Looking into alternatives to care such as sonnethill.com may be the right track for you and your loved one to handle their case of dementia.

Isolation Takes Hold

Early signs of dementia may include beginning to forget when loved ones have been around. When this happens the person with dementia may begin to feel like they’ve been forgotten or that no one ever comes to see them. This will give them a sense of isolation and loneliness.

Dementia care may need to include round-the-clock care so that the individual knows that there is always someone there to take care of them when they are feeling like this. A facility will be able to give the person suffering around-the-clock care that will reassure them and be beneficial.

Living With Dementia Isn’t Easy

If you and your loved one are struggling with these daily symptoms, it’s time to look into further care. Living with dementia is a struggle for everyone involved. Do you and your loved one a favor and seek help when the option arises.

You don’t have to struggle with the effects of dementia alone. You and your loved one can both find relief in treatments.

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