What Are Some of the Most Common Dental Problems That Exist Today?

Did you know that almost 26% of adults have at least one untreated cavity? Dental problems are more common than you may think. Luckily, they can be prevented by visiting the dentist, brushing your teeth, and flossing every day. 

Another great way to prevent dental problems is to understand them and know which signs to watch out for. Do you currently have issues with your teeth? Keep reading to learn more about the most common dental problems. 

Tooth Decay

Of all the dental problems on this list, tooth decay is the most common. In fact, the only disease more common in the United States is the common cold. Tooth decay is another term for having a cavity. 

Tooth decay happens when a combination of sugar, bacteria, and plaque eat away at the tooth. Many people believe that only children get cavities, but that is not true. This is a problem for many adults as well. 

Here are the best ways to prevent tooth decay

  • Visit the dentist
  • Brush your teeth twice per day
  • Floss every day 
  • Drink water
  • Eat less sugar
  • Avoid drinking juice

Preventing and treating tooth decay is essential for your oral health. Untreated tooth decay can lead to tooth loss, bone loss, and gum disease. 

Gum Disease

Another one of the most common dental problems is gum disease. Gum disease occurs when the gums around the teeth become infected. 

The first sign of gum disease is gingivitis. If your local dentist mentions that you have gingivitis, you need to take it seriously. Gum disease is one of the main causes of tooth loss, and sometimes, it does not have any warning signs. 

Some common symptoms of gum disease include red gums, swollen gums, bleeding, and sensitive gums. 

The best ways to prevent gum disease include visiting your dentist, brushing regularly, flossing, and eating a healthy diet. 

Bad Breath

Approximately 50% of adults in the United States have bad breath. Bad breath is often caused by tooth decay, gum disease, dry mouth, or oral cancer. If you have bad breath, you should ask a dentist about it right away. 

To make bad breath better in the meantime, brush your teeth, floss, and use mouthwash. Even though these methods make your breath smell better, remember that you still need to figure out the underlying cause. 

Sensitive Teeth

Do you have sensitive teeth? If so, you are not alone. Around 12% of people deal with sensitive teeth. 

If you have sensitive teeth, you may experience pain when eating something hot, cold, or sweet. You could even have pain from cold air entering your mouth, brushing, or flossing. 

If you are experiencing sensitive teeth, you must talk to your dentist. Sensitive teeth are sometimes caused by tooth decay, a chipped tooth, or an abscessed tooth.

Your dental office will help you determine the cause of tooth sensitivity and make recommendations on how to treat it. 

Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is a serious disease that requires advanced treatment. It occurs when cells in the mouth grow at an uncontrollable rate and damage the surrounding areas. Oral cancer can occur in the mouth, on the lips, cheeks, or sinuses. 

Some common symptoms of oral cancer are lumps, swelling, speckled patches in the mouth, numbness, hard time chewing, ear pain, and weight loss. If you experience any of these symptoms, head to the dentist immediately. 

Here are the biggest risk factors for getting oral cancer:

  • Tobacco use
  • Family history 
  • Alcohol consumption
  • HPV
  • Sun exposure

While oral cancer cannot be entirely prevented, early detection can make a huge difference in life expectancy. The best ways to detect oral cancer are to have regular dental exams and do self-examinations at least once per month. 

Dental Emergencies

Unfortunately, accidents happen, and it can be scary when there is a dental emergency. Dental emergencies include broken teeth, knocking teeth out, an abscessed tooth, or a severe toothache. 

If you have any of these problems, be sure to see an emergency dentist right away! They can help fix and diagnose the issue so that you are no longer in pain. 

Crooked Teeth

Having crooked teeth can cause someone to be embarrassed by their smile, lower their self-esteem, and even cause other dental issues. Crooked teeth are caused by jaw size, thumb-sucking as an infant, and genetics. 

While not all crooked teeth will cause dental problems, here are some of the common issues associated with crooked teeth:

  • Gum disease
  • Speech problems
  • Digestion issues
  • Excessive wear on the teeth, jaw, and gums

Whether your crooked teeth are causing you dental problems or make you feel self-conscious, crooked teeth should be fixed. The best way to fix crooked teeth is to get braces. 

Wisdom Tooth Problems

Wisdom teeth can cause pain, infection, and cause damage to other teeth. They are one of the most common dental problems because almost everyone has to have their wisdom teeth removed. 

Wisdom teeth are also known as third molars, and they come in around the ages of 17-25. While most people have 4 wisdom teeth, some people may have fewer. 

They are often taken out by dentists because sometimes they don’t fully erupt, they are difficult to clean, they get infected, and can damage nearby teeth. 

Luckily, the extraction process is simple and nothing to worry about. If you are having a difficult time with your wisdom teeth, you should set up an appointment with the best dentist to have them removed. 

Having them removed early on will save you from additional pain and problems in the future. 

Do You Have Any of These Dental Problems? 

Dental problems are super common in the United States. Some of the best ways to prevent dental problems include brushing your teeth, flossing, and visiting the dentist. If you are experiencing any of these problems, ask the dentist right away!

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