The Beginner’s Guide to PCT Protocol

Developing and obtaining the musculature and mass you desire is mostly up to chance and genetics. You can work as hard as you can and eat all the right things, but you’ll often find yourself plateauing at a certain point.

There’s a reason people associate bodybuilders with performance-enhancing drugs. However, those drugs can have some nasty side-effects, and your body’s chemical balance can end up compromised. That’s where PCT protocol comes in.

Here’s some information on PCT and why you’ll most likely need it if you choose to medicate your way to success.

What Is PCT Protocol?

PCT is short for Post Cycle Therapy, and it’s a protocol for restoring your testosterone levels. You combine specific supplements or other compounds to restore your body’s chemical balance.

Usually, this therapy includes an estrogen blocker, testosterone booster, and liver support.

What Are Post Cycle Supplements For?

A bodybuilder may take anabolic-androgenic steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs in order to get bigger. They work as synthetic supplements for your body that boost your testosterone levels.

When the bodybuilder stops taking these supplements, their body is going to go into a state of low-testosterone until their body begins to produce it again. This results in heightened estrogen levels.

High estrogen can cause gynecomastia (man boobs), heightened emotions, fat gain, and muscle loss. On top of that, low testosterone levels can make you lethargic and depressed.

If post cycle therapy isn’t done when stopping a steroid regimen, you could lose everything you’ve been building toward. Although it can be costly, a PCT protocol should always be taken into consideration if you use performance-enhancing drugs.

Who Should Take PCT Supplements?

A PCT supplement regimen should be taken by anyone who has made recent use of steroids for bodybuilding purposes. Depending on how intense your steroid cycle has been, you may be able to get by with over-the-counter supplements. For heavier usage, prescription compounds may be necessary.

It’s recommended that you use a PCT protocol for 4 to 8 weeks. Adjust the length depending on how long it takes you to bounce back.

Buying PCT Capsules

If you’ve run a light cycle, you can get by with an over-the-counter supplement to help balance your hormones. These PCT capsules can be ordered online and help you maintain muscle mass while keeping your vitamins and minerals in check.

Rotating your supplements can prevent your body from building a resistance to their benefits. If you need a stronger dose of supplements, make sure to check in with your doctor to get a prescription.

Don’t Skip Out on Your Post Cycle Therapy

Steroids should only be used for medical purposes. PCT protocol exists to help wean you off steroids and get your body balanced without sacrificing the mass you’ve built. Don’t assume you can stop whenever without repercussions.

Curious about other medical topics? Check out our various health articles for men and women.