The Art of Grooming Your Pet At Home

Grooming your pet can be a long and arduous task. But with home grooming, you can do it in the comfort of your home! This article provides all the necessary information on how to groom pets at home. We will discuss what is involved in home grooming for pets, give tips for success, and provide a list of supplies that are needed.

Let’s get started.

1.Brush your pet daily

Make sure you brush all over their body, not just on the top of their coat.This will ensure that they stay clean and free from debris while also preventing them from becoming tangled during a grooming session. If you do happen to get a tangle or mat, make sure it is brushed out gently with a slicker brush before going further.

This way you won’t risk hurting your dog if the knot is pulled too hard. You can then use scissors to trim off any hair that continues to stick up after brushing has been completed.

2.Brushing their teeth

Pet owners are now able to maintain their pets oral hygiene at home. There is a plethora of products available that help you brush your pet’s teeth including toothbrushes and sprays for dogs, cat brushes and even doggy treats. The most important thing to remember when attempting home dental care is that you need patience.

Dogs are not initially fond of having their teeth brushed, so it will take some time for them to get used to the process. It’s also a good idea to start with your pet as young as possible – they’ll be less apt to squirm around if they’re still small enough and can’t reach everything yet.

3.Bathing your pet

Be sure to follow all of your veterinarian’s instructions for bathing and drying. Don’t bathe pets too frequently or use human shampoos as this can irritate their skin. Professional groomers give baths every six weeks but if home grooming is taking place more often, ask your vet about using special medicated shampoo instead.

If bathing becomes an issue (for example: some dogs don’t like water), try using wipes that remove dirt without wetting them down first then move on to full baths later on.

4.Trimming their nails

A good way for pets that are new to home grooming, or just nervous about having their nails trimmed, is to take them on a walk before trimming so they release some of those natural chemicals associated with stress (Dogs Love Hikes). This will help calm the animal down as it becomes more accustomed to home grooming.

Another option would be confining pets prior to home grooming which could also help reduce unwanted behavior such as biting and chewing (How To Confine Your Dog With Alternative Methods – Humane Ways.)

The Bottom Line

Choosing home grooming for your pet over a professional groomer is usually less expensive and will give you more control. It may not be as efficient if your animal is difficult to handle or has special needs such as severe matting, heavy soiling or very long fur that cannot easily be brushed out without clippers. If this sounds like the case with your dog then maybe it’s best to visit a local groomer instead.