Spinal Deformities Can Frustrate Your Mobility: Spinal Fusion Can Help Avoid This

Your spine is one area that is susceptible to injuries and infections, most of which result from other conditions. Issues like back and neck pains are common complaints and can have debilitating symptoms that will affect your normal life. Dr. Patrick S. McNulty is an orthopedic surgeon who treats spinal disorders and deformities to retain your mobility. Dr. McNulty offers his patients conservative measures first before recommending surgical procedures to alleviate pain and disabling symptoms.

Services provided for at the facility include:

Lower back pain

Lower back pains are common and normally subside after a few days of self-care therapies. However, if the pain worsens and fails to respond to home remedies or accompanies other symptoms, contact your doctor for medical attention. During treatment, the professional will recommend various treatment options to alleviate your pain and relieve you of the debilitating symptoms. Treatment options for lower back pain include medications, physical exercises, and medical appliances. If your case is severe, your doctor might advise a surgical procedure.      

Lower back pain can be categorized into:

·         Radicular pain. This pain results from the inflammation of your spinal nerve root and it is characterized by a sharp and electric pain associated with muscle weakness or numbness. Additionally, you will only feel radicular pain on one side of your body.

·         Mechanical pain. This is the most common cause of your lower back pain. It originates from painful ligaments, muscles, or bones inside or surrounding your spine. You will likely feel pain in your lower back, rear end, and parts of your upper leg and it usually results from loading your spine.

Spinal fusion

You will likely be alarmed when your doctor suggests you need spine surgery. However, living with back pain and arm pain for the rest of your life is scarier. A surgical procedure is usually the last resort your doctor will recommend after other treatments have failed. The procedure forces your doctor to fuse your vertebrae to eliminate motion between them permanently.

Your doctor will recommend the procedure if motion is your pain’s root source. The fusion will prevent your nerves, muscles, and ligaments from stretching, therefore reducing the pain. During spinal fusion, your surgeon will use metal rods and screws on your spine to hold it in the desired position.

After your doctor is through with the procedure, he will advise you to wear a brace for stability and keep your spine still. He will also prescribe medication to relieve you from post-surgery pain.

Neck pain

Neck pain is a usual complaint and could result from various factors including infections, conditions directly affecting your neck muscles, or uncomfortable neck positions. The pain is usually characterized by a dull ache that worsens when you move your neck. You are likely to have symptoms like facial and shoulder pain, headache, and arm numbness that result from pinched nerves in your neck. Neck treatment depends on the severity of your pain. Your doctor will combine therapies, starting with conservative treatments. If your pain fails to subside, the doctor will implement surgical procedures to address the pain.

Avoid living with pain when you can lead a fulfilling life with professional help. For more on spinal disorders and treatment, contact McNulty Spine today.