Shrink Your prostate in a matter of seconds, exercise to shrink prostate

It is true that it is impossible to shrink your prostate in a matter of second by using natural remedies. There is now enough Evidence to suggest that they are an effective complimentary approach to help prostate enlargement and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).

However simple lifestyle and dietary interventions are helpful to reduce prostate enlargement. There are many other options such as prostate exercises, specific foods and nutrients that may aid in BPH preventions.

Exercises to shrink the prostate

Exercises are helpful to shrink prostate and lower the risk of developing urinary incontinence, specially that pertaining to excessive stress. Other exercises are pelvic floor exercises, bladder control exercises and male Kegel exercises.

1. Prostate exercises improve bladder control- there is not much evidence available to suggest that prostate exercises are helpful to lower the risk of contracting BPH or that they are helpful to reduce the size of prostate. Prostate exercises are suggested men to strengthen bladder control for those with BPH. It is recommended specially after removal or treatment of prostate enlargement, BPH or cancer. It has been proven to be particularly useful because bladder control does not necessarily return and even after the prostate has been removed or treated. It also Can be helpful to improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

2. How to work the prostate- Simple pelvic floor exercises include contracting and relaxing the muscles in the anus and urinary tract. While one person is practicing these prostate exercises, remember one should not work any other muscles and to only use Pacific pelvic floor muscle being worked. Verbal instructions are very useful and helpful to identify the right muscles two exercise. Breathing Seems to be a core component working people with floor muscles with muscles contracting during exhalation relaxing during inhalation. Person may also try to stop and start the flow in order to find the right muscles in urinary tract during urination. For that person it is recommended to aim for 10 reps three times a day.

3. Regular physical activity- this activity also seems to lower the risk of developing incontinence buy roughly 25% and it has proven that it is helpful for alleviating symptoms in susceptible men. A person over 60 with BPH, Tai-Chi has shown brilliant results in helping reduce the severity of urinary tract symptoms by as much as 31%, lower insulin levels and boost testosterone. A person who performed 1 hour of Tai-Chi 3 times per week for 12 weeks, might be successful to avoid prostate enlargement. There are also some forms of exercise that should be avoided by men with prostate enlargement such as cycling because it can place pressure on the area and increase symptoms.

Complementary natural remedies for enlarged prostate

Some dietary modifications are helpful to prevent prostate enlargement aur shrink the prostate naturally. Let’s explore them.

Plant based Whole food diet plan- our food habit directly has impact on our fitness and body. Person advised to prioritise plant-based foods just like Mediterranean diet higher in antioxidant nutrients and lower in refined foods. Both of which are linked with lower incidence of prostate enlargement or BPH and enhanced hormonal status. The important thing is to focus on protein rich foods as well including grains, legumes and moderate amount of good quality meet.  Nurse and seeds especially Pumpkin seeds are famous to contain a variety of components such as phytosterols, lignans, vitamin E and trace minerals etc. These are very helpful to shrink the size of prostate and keep our hormones regulated after treatment. Vitamin C and A- rich fruits and vegetables are very helpful to lower the inflammatory immune response which is seen in BPH as well as keep the tract clear of pathogens. And other foods that contain digestive enzymes are also helpful to enhance digestion, reduce inflammation and improve metabolic health.

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Anti-BPH foods and plant extracts- natural extracts and food supplements are very helpful to shrink your prostate naturally by inhibiting the conversion testosterone into DHT or E2, it minimizes the risk for UTIs o and helpful to regulate stress level. These are the natural extracts.

* Isoflavones- these are a class of flavonoids with anti-inflammatory and estrogenic properties these are proved to be beneficial in moderation for preventing BPH and also lowering prostate size. Genistein, daidzein and biochanin A can inhibit 5 alpha reductase type 2 and aromatase. Actually, they are preferred bind to estrogen receptor beta ERb, that promotes prostate shrinkage.

Natural UTI prevention- as we know Vitamin C is a great preventive nutrient for UTIs. When natural Cranberry or tart cherry wait it is known to be portent aid photos with urinary symptoms.

Stress Relieving Botanicals- diet management is very important for shrinking and enlarged prostate. After changing the diet and lifestyle, if you find this stress and hypertension still exist, then you are advised to speak with a nutritionist to get better treatment.

Nutritional supplements for prostate health- these are some more significant dietary supplements which are helpful in prostate reduction,

* Vitamin D3 and K2 – reportedly the supplementation of Vitamin D3 up to 6000 IU per day is helpful to lower the size of the prostate in men with BPH.

Zinc- it is also famous to help the regulate male fertility in different kinds. Actually, it supports optimal testosterone production from this test while protecting from the DNA damage induced by heavy metals and radiation.

Conventional Treatment Options –  

these are commonly most prescribed treatment options for BPH.

* Ultrasound- ultrasound might be available treatment option which is capable of shrinking your prostate, specially, when coupled with some of targeted love life style and dietary interventions suggested above in this article. because of its high degree of success, lower expense and better result, many clinics have recommended ultrasound over surgery. 

Pharmaceuticals- the common medication prescribed to patients with BPH are finasteride and dutasteride, both of which block 5 Alpha reductase 2. They have been shown to lower prostate enlargement by as much as 20% and slow down the progression of disease.

* Surgery – surgery is the last option for older man who are suffering from bladder obstruction which is a result of prostate enlargement. These days the best surgical techniques make use of non-invasive surgical devices such as HoLEP (it is an x-ray laser surgery), REZUM (steam ablation). Surgery shows equal or better results without requiring an incision. After the removal of prostate, it is normal for the person to still suffer from lower urinary tract symptoms, to which the above dietary recommendations are still largely valid.


1. What are complementary natural remedies for an enlarged prostate?

Answer- plant based whole food diet plan, Anti-BPH foods and plant extracts (such as 5 Alpha reductase (type 2) inhibitors, aromatics inhibitors, natural UTI prevention, stress relieving botanicals etc.).

2. Is it possible to shrink your prostate in matter of seconds using natural remedies only?

Answer- No, it is not possible to shrink your prostate in a matter of seconds using natural remedies.

3. Name some prostate exercises.

Answer- pelvic floor exercises, bladder control exercise and male Kegel exercises.