Seeking Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction in Singapore?: Here Is Why You Should Choose ESWT

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is one of those common yet not-often-discussed topics on male sexual health – common because it affects one out of ten sexually active adult men on a long-term basis and not-often-discussed due to its sensitive nature. When men seek medical attention for ED, oral medications are prescribed, including the infamous “blue pills” or one of its alternatives. Thanks to recent innovations in medical science, treatment for ED for is not limited to oral medications anymore. There are other available options today, like extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) for erectile dysfunction (, testosterone therapy, penile injections, and surgery. Read on to learn more about the condition, its causes, and ESWT as a treatment for ED.

What is erectile dysfunction or ED?

Erectile dysfunction or ED is a condition defined as the inability to achieve or sustain a satisfactory erection. Although this type of condition usually affects people over the age of forty, younger men can experience it, too. Occasionally, some people will experience erection problems due to a variety of factors and it is nothing to worry about. However, if ED occurs more frequently, it may indicate a more serious problem. Going to a men’s health clinic for consultation is necessary when the condition starts to interfere not only with sexual activity but also a person’s quality of life.

How can a men’s health clinic help with ED?

For starters, a men’s health clinic like Dr. Ben Medical Clinic in Singapore specializes in conditions and issues on sexual health, so you can be rest assured that you will get the proper treatment plan and patient care that you need. Dr. Ben Medical and other similar men’s health clinics provide a safe and accessible space for men to speak about their health concerns. ED is just one of the many conditions that a men’s sexual health clinic addresses – some clinics like Dr. Ben Medical also offer health screening, vaccinations, teleconsultation services, medication delivery, and self-testing for STD. To top it all off, you can expect that everything is done with utmost confidentiality. This aims to lessen patients’ anxiety and encourage more people to seek medical attention and treatment for problems related to sexual health.

What are the causes of ED?

The typical causes of erectile dysfunction can be attributed to problems with an individual’s nervous system, hormone levels, and blood flow. It is also possible for someone to experience ED due to physiological factors such as depression, stress, fatigue, anxiety, or trouble with relationships.

Now, let us take a closer look at the factors mentioned. Under physical causes, we have the following:

  • Vascular issues: this can be described as not having enough blood that flows into the penis, and there are several conditions that may have caused that. These include atherosclerosis (also known as the hardening of the arteries), heart disease, and diabetes. The penis itself may also fail to trap enough supply of blood to maintain an erection; this is something that can happen at any age.
  • Nerve issues: trauma or damage from a past injury, disease, or surgery in the pelvic area may have a negative effect on the nerves that send signals from the brain or spinal cord to the penis.
  • Hormonal disorders: people with low testosterone and/or thyroid issues often fall prey to ED.
  • Side effects of medication: there are numerous prescription medications that cause ED. Some of these include heart medications, high blood pressure medications, anxiety treatments, antidepressants, opioid-based painkillers, cancer drugs, and hormone drugs.

Aside from the above, a person’s lifestyle may be considered a factor, too. If a person is obese, a heavy smoker, has an alcohol dependency, and uses illicit substances and drugs, there is a huge possibility that they will experience ED at some point in their life.

Emotional factors can cause or worsen ED. Whether it is low self-esteem, stress at home or in the workplace, depression, and relationship conflicts, these factors contribute to the person’s inability to achieve a full erection. Then there is anxiety about one’s sexual performance, which affects a huge percentage of males (up to 25%), according a study.

What is ESWT?

Injectables and oral medications are the common choices for treating ED but more often than not, these treatments fail to treat the cause of the problem and may result in dependency over time.

That was before extracorporeal shockwave therapy was discovered as a treatment for ED. ESWT, or simply shockwave therapy, was first used as a treatment option for orthopedic injuries (injured ligaments and tendons, and broken bones) and kidney stones. It is a non-invasive treatment that utilizes targeted sound waves to heal damaged penile tissues and improve blood flow in the penis. Low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy also shows promising results in growing new blood vessels, which can help those who suffer ED due to vascular issues.

How does ESWT work?

During the treatment, the doctor places a wand-shaped device near different sections of the penis. They will move the device along the sections for ten to fifteen minutes as the device emits gentle pulses. These pulses are supposed to trigger a healthy blood flow, tissue repair, and blood vessel growth in the penis. The procedure is painless and does not require any anesthesia.

When should I seek treatment for ED?

A few episodes of ED are normal, especially is you are dealing with lack of sleep, stress, alcohol use, or hormonal changes. However, if you notice that the instances of ED have started to affect your sex life, the best thing to do is to go to a men’s health clinic for a consultation. The doctor will ask questions about your general and sexual health and perform a physical exam to determine the cause of the ED. Blood tests and urine tests may also be needed to determine if there are underlying health problems that cause the ED. If you are interested about ESWT, the doctor will explain the how the procedure will go and how often you need it. Depending on a case-to-case basis, the doctor may recommend a combination of treatments. You will also be advised to make some lifestyle changes as well, if necessary.