Sclerotherapy: Before, during, and after a session

If you have vein condition, such as varicose or spider veins, you may benefit from sclerotherapy. Your doctor will discuss the procedure in detail. One of the minimally-invasive procedures, this is entirely safe and doesn’t involve any pain. Before you step into sclerotherapy boise, here’s what to expect from the session.

Before the procedure

You are not required to take specific steps before a sclerotherapy session. If you take certain medications, especially blood thinners, let your doctor know. You should wear comfortable and loose clothing before you step in. Do not use skincare products, and make sure not to shave your legs.

During the procedure

You will have to lie down during the procedure. The targeted area will be cleaned before the session. The provider will inject a unique solution using a small needle in the affected vein. The foamy solution irritates the lining, causing the vein to swell and collapse. Your body will naturally reroute the blood through other veins. Because a liquid is injected into the vein, you may feel discomfort, but this should not hurt. Following this, the care provider will massage the area to spread the injected liquid.

After the procedure

You will be encouraged to walk after a sclerotherapy session, which will prevent blood clots. You may have to wear special bandages or compression stockings for a couple of weeks, which will ensure that there is enough pressure on the varicose veins. Do not shave your legs immediately after sclerotherapy. You can continue with routine activities immediately, and there is no downtime. It is still better to have someone drive you home after the session. Avoid all sorts of weight-training activities for two weeks. Sun exposure should be avoided, and if you have to step out, consider using sunscreen with a higher SPF.

Quick pointers

If you have larger veins or multiple varicose veins, you may need many sessions before you see the results. While sclerotherapy offers significant benefits almost immediately, most patients need at least two appointments. If you are pregnant or have other health conditions, consider discussing these concerns with your doctor. Although rare, some patients may develop an allergy to the injected solution. Make sure to contact your healthcare provider immediately if you see unusual signs.

You may need to get an ultrasound before sclerotherapy for a better diagnosis. Ensure that you understand the pros and cons of the procedure before you decide to start the treatment.