Professional Teeth Cleaning: The Missing Ingredient for Your Dream Smile

Achieving and maintaining white, bright, and healthy smiles involves regular flossing, regular brushing, and professional teeth cleaning to address the accumulation of plaque and tartar. Emerson Dental Arts offers professional teeth cleaning that removes plaque and tartar to minimize gum disease and cavities. The practice features board-certified physicians like Dr. Archer M. Katz specialized in thorough and gentle teeth cleaning.

Reasons for Professional Teeth Cleaning

Teeth cleaning is a dental treatment for improving the health and appearance of your mouth and teeth. You may need regular flossing and brushing to remove plaque and food particles accumulating on your gums and teeth to enhance your oral hygiene.

Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria building up along the gum line and on your teeth. If unremoved, the plaque hardens and develops into tartar. The tartar traps bacteria on your teeth which increases the risk of developing cavities and gum disease.

You can supplement the flossing and brushing techniques to protect your teeth and gums from plaque that may develop into tartar. Emerson Dental Arts offers professional teeth cleaning to protect your teeth and gums from further damage.

 What Happens During Teeth Cleaning?

Specifics of your teeth cleaning are based on your oral health needs and goals. Before commencing the cleaning procedure, your dental professional examines your gums and teeth for signs of gum disease and cavities.

Your dentist uses a unique tool to remove every trace of plaque and tartar between your teeth and gum line. Dental professionals proceed to polish your teeth with an electric toothbrush or gritty toothpaste before flossing to get rid of the remaining flotsam and jetsam.

After completing the procedure, you should clean your mouth with a fluoride solution to coat your tooth surface for additional protection against cavities.

Recommended Frequency for Teeth Cleaning

A dentist considers your oral health needs to determine the number of teeth cleaning procedures required to help you maintain enviable oral hygiene. Your dentist at Emerson Dental Arts may recommend teeth cleaning every six months to manage tartar buildup to prevent cavities and gum disease.

If you have a family history of diabetes or gum disease, your dentist may recommend medication that keeps your mouth dry. You may also need to make lifestyle adjustments like changing your diet, stop smoking, brush more, and schedule frequent teeth cleaning.

What is a Deep Teeth Cleaning Procedure?

Deep teeth cleaning/ scaling and root planing removes tartar and plaque that hides below your gum line. Your dentist may recommend deep teeth cleaning procedure if you’ve skipped your regular teeth cleaning.

Other Services Offered at Emerson Dental Arts

Besides your regular cleaning procedure, you may visit the practice for specialized:

  • Emergency care
  • Invisalign and clear braces
  • Cosmetic dentistry
  • Family dentistry
  • Sedation dentistry
  • Treatment for bleeding gums
  • Teeth whitening
  • Correction of missing teeth

Wrapping Up

If you neglect plaque, it develops into tartar which may fall and collect under the gum line to trap bacteria that may accelerate gum tissue loss, gum disease, and bone loss. Prevent oral health problems by visiting your dentist for professional teeth cleaning to remove stubborn plaque and tartar. If you are in New Jersey, contact Emerson Dental Arts to book an appointment today.