Negative Body Image: How and Where to Find Help

About 79% of Americans say they’re unhappy with how their body looks. This dissatisfaction is most prevalent when looking in the mirror. With social media making it easier for celebrities and influencers to show off their bodies, it can really take a toll on self-esteem and confidence.

With photoshop, cosmetic surgeries, and filters flooding the internet, achieving that ideal body image isn’t always realistic because those images aren’t realistic. If you suffer from negative body image, then continue reading below. Here’s our guide on signs of body image issues and how to get help with body image.

Constantly Comparing to Others

You’re out shopping for groceries and spot someone down the next aisle with perfect legs or a flat stomach. You instantly start comparing yourself to them, and your confidence takes a hit. Even when working out or at the gym, you find yourself comparing your body to those around you.

It doesn’t stop there, however. Each day you scroll through social media. That ideal body image you wish you had is being waved around in your face by Instagram models and celebrities. You wish your body could look like theirs, and suddenly you’re struggling to be content with your appearance.

These are all signs of body image issues.

Envying a Friend’s Body Shape

Do you have that one friend with the perfect body? It seems like they were blessed with good genetics and can eat whatever they want without sacrificing their looks. Envying a friend’s body shape is another sign of having a negative body image.

We want to stop you right there. You might be envious of their body shape, but they’re most likely envious of someone else’s body shape and wish they could improve their looks as well. Although genetics might have a part in their body shape, they might also spend time working on themselves when no one is watching.

Take the time to sit down and talk to them about how great you think they look and if they do anything to achieve those looks, such as eating a healthy diet or sticking to a workout routine. They might be able to give you some great tips!

Developing Eating Disorders

Unfortunately, struggling with a negative body image can sometimes lead to various eating disorders and other health issues. Refusing to eat or forcing yourself to bring food back up after eating it are two of the most common solutions people choose to turn to. Unfortunately, these eating disorders can cause damage to your health rather than improve it.

If you struggle with any type of eating disorder, then you know just how difficult overcoming eating disorders is. This is why it’s so important to get help from a specialized program as soon as possible. If you notice any of these signs in yourself, then don’t hesitate to reach out to those who care and want to provide you with the support you need to overcome it.

Say Goodbye to Your Negative Body Image

Knowing the signs of a negative body image and seeking help to overcome it at an early stage is crucial. Use the information given in this guide to help you notice those signs and find the right support system.

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