Medical Solutions to Manage Chronic Sinusitis

Sinusitis is a common issue in the United States, with estimates indicating nearly 31 million people struggle with the issue each year. For most people, the issue disappears fast. However, a small number of people, up to 15%, have a chronic type of problem that can take a toll on the quality of life they lead. If you are struggling with this condition, be sure to consult a Newport Beach sinusitis expert for help.

Where does sinusitis come from?

Sinusitis is a nasal-related issue that mostly affects people with allergies. Sinusitis comes from the name sinuses, which refers to a pair of air-filled structures below the eyes and slightly above the nose. These sacs help moisturize and filter out any dangerous material on its way into your trachea. The mucosa is another tissue in the sinuses that helps distribute mucus into the nasal cavity. However, in some cases, the mucosa can fail to drain properly, making you sick due to the bacteria buildup. Those with nasal polyps or a deviation in their septum also tend to experience sinusitis more than other groups of people.

Two types of sinusitis exist. Fortunately, for most people, the issue dissipates within a month. Those with the chronic version, however, can sometimes go for months with the infection.

What symptoms point out that you have sinusitis?

Sinusitis is a condition where affected people experience a lot of discomfort with their breathing, though additional symptoms may include:

·         Bad breath

·         Fatigue

·         Headaches

·         Nagging pain

·         Facial pressure

·         Cloudy discharge in the nasal cavity

·         Difficulty breathing

A point to note is that your symptoms can differ significantly from those of another person with the same problem. Additionally, symptoms become more definite when you have a severe form of the problem.

What are the required treatments for sinusitis?

Alexis Furze, MD has many years of experience when it comes to treating sinusitis. A typical treatment session will start with a one-on-one with the doctor, where your specific symptoms will be discussed. After the doctor looks at your medical history, you will then undergo an endoscopic evaluation and nasal examination to confirm you actually have the condition. Another tool to give the doctor an accurate picture of your problem is a CT scan, which checks on any blockage or buildup of mucus.

All the examinations and tests will give your doctor a more accurate understanding of your condition so appropriate treatment may be rendered. Dr. Furze will even customize a unique treatment for your issue. Sinusitis treatments include the following two approaches, the conservative approach is taken when your nasal structure does not show any sign of damage, while surgical solutions come in handy to repair any damages in your nasal cavity caused by the disease.

Sinusitis is an issue that can limit your life in many ways. That is why you need the help of Alexis Furze, MD, for a customized solution that effectively addresses your unique situation. Call the doctor or book your appointment online to begin treatment.