Living With Braces: What To Do and What Not To Do

Did you know that there are over 4 million people in the U.S. wearing braces? That’s about as many people as the entire population of Croatia.

There’s absolutely nothing shameful about braces — they’re both popular and good for dental health. But getting braces and living with braces is still an adjustment.

Have you ever wondered what life with braces is like — whether for you or your child? This article will walk you through a brief guide so that you’ll know what to expect.

What Not to Do: Eat Sticky Foots

Unfortunately, one of the biggest disadvantages of wearing braces is that you have to be careful about the types of sticky foods you eat. Sticky foods are one of the biggest destroyers of braces out there.

The stickiness combined with the sugar of these foods is less likely to get stuck in your braces and wear them down over time. You should especially avoid chewing gum with sugar in it.

What to Do: Wear a Mouth Guard

Often people get braces at the same time when they’re most engaged with sports. Kids in middle and high school are big receivers of braces — this is around the time when sports get perilous.

Nothing terrible will happen if you get hit in the face while playing one of these sports. However, your braces might break. Wear a mouth guard to prevent this from happening.

What Not to Do: Eat Popcorn

Have you ever gotten a popcorn hull stuck between your teeth or in your gums? It’s a frustrating feeling that you probably need to floss to ameliorate.

This frustration becomes much worse when you have braces. The hulls stay stuck under braces and can become seriously difficult to get out.

What to Do: Brush and Floss Constantly

When you’re wearing braces, it’s not enough to brush twice and day and floss once a day. You should brush and floss after every meal to make sure your braces stay in good shape.

We also recommend rinsing out your braces after every meal. If you’re in public and can’t brush, rinsing is a good alternative.

What Not to Do: Chew Ice

Of all of the destructive things you can do to your braces, this one is the worst. In general, chewing on ice is very bad for your teeth as well, so we don’t recommend it. It’s a good way to damage your enamel and get your dentist annoyed.

Click here to learn more information about what it means to get children’s braces.

Living With Braces

Living with braces is an adjustment, but one that everyone — adult or child — can overcome. At the end of the day, if you follow the above do’s and don’t, you’ll likely do well in the world of braces and not need to worry about problems. For more articles like this, check out our “misc” section.