Know All About Port Saint Lucie Leg Swelling

Peripheral edema is a type of leg swelling produced by the accumulation of liquid or fluid in the leg muscles. An issue with the venous systemic circulation, lymphatics, or kidneys might cause it. Inflammation in the legs can happen due to various reasons such as being overweight, sedentary, standing or sitting for long periods of time, or wearing tight clothes or pants which can all cause swelling due to fluid accumulation. So if you are observing the same, then it’s time to know all about Port Saint Lucie leg swelling.

Reasons for Leg Swelling

Our legs generally swell up due to two reasons which are as follows.

  • The very first reason is fluid buildup that happens in the veins. It simply implies the veins are holding more than their capacity. The common reasons for fluid buildup are medical issues, being overweight, and idle sitting for long hours.
  • The other reason is inflammation. It happens when one of the tissues in the leg gets swollen or injured. This generally happens due to injury; however, it may happen due to severe medical conditions such as arthritis.

Signs and Symptoms Associated with Leg Swelling

There are various symptoms and signs of leg swelling. Some of them are listed below:

  • If you are facing difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath.
  • Rash and itching are other common signs of leg swelling.
  • Further, if you come across pain in your leg.
  • If there is heaviness in the feet and legs after being on your feet all day.

When to Seek a Doctor for Leg Swelling

Leg swelling is not something very serious. Infections, traumas, and diseases like arthritis can cause swelling in the legs. This kind of swelling goes away in a day or two; it’s usually nothing to be concerned about. However, if it occurs more frequently, lasts much longer, impacts only one leg, or occurs in conjunction with other concerns, it’s a good idea to seek medical advice.

Treatment for Leg Swelling in Port Saint Lucie

Leg swelling can happen due to various reasons. If your symptoms are not going away then it is best to seek medical assistance. There are various health practitioners available in Port Saint Lucie that can provide necessary care for leg swelling. The health practitioner will ask about all the symptoms, and if necessary, will conduct the exam to identify the issues, and based on the observation, he will prescribe medication and treatment to you.