Injuries You are Likely to Suffer From After an Auto Accident and Where to Get Help

Most people choose not to contact a physician after they walk away from a car crash scene without physical injuries. Unfortunately, you could be doing yourself a great injustice because injuries might take awhile to manifest. Finding an effective treatment option after a Roswell motor vehicle accident injury is crucial to your healing process. Robert Ayer and his team at Apex Spine and Neurosurgery offer modern treatment options to help you recover from the injuries likely to destabilize your life.

What are the major tests your doctor will request after a car accident?

When you go for a diagnosis, your doctor will want to know how the accident has impacted your everyday life and the resulting limitations. A blow to your head could cause traumatic injuries, affecting your mood and behavior – something you might not be aware of. To check for further internal damage, the professional could request tests like:

X-ray. This imaging test uses electromagnetic waves to check your internal systems. Your doctor will use the test to check for a fracture, dislocated joint, or any other injury on your skeleton.

MRI scan. Your care provider will use a magnetic resonance imaging test to take a deeper look at your internal systems. Unlike X-rays that could fail to detect soft tissues, an MRI scan will help your doctor evaluate the damage to your organs, soft tissues, bones, and nerves.

CT scan. The test uses X-ray and computer imaging combinations to get images of your internal structures. The scan will help your doctor diagnose trauma, internal bleeding in your brain, bruised nerves, or damage to your tendons or ligaments.   

What are the common injuries that you could have after a car crash?

You will be fortunate to walk away from a car accident scene without any injury. Even when you feel okay and have no slight injuries from the accident, it is crucial that you contact your doctor for evaluation. The professional will detect an injury you know nothing about. While your doctor will easily detect and treat injuries like scrapes and broken bones, other injuries could take long to manifest and could take you weeks or even months to develop symptoms.

The less obvious you will most likely have after a car accident includes:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Neck strain
  • Spinal cord damage
  • Concussions
  • Chest injuries

Apart from the above injuries, the typical injuries you could walk away with from the accident scene include:

  • Bruises and lacerations
  • Fractures
  • Strains and sprains
  • Limb loss

How will your doctor treat you with your car accident injuries?

No accidents are similar. Thus, treatment is personalized and unique. Your doctor will devise a treatment plan depending on your general health and wellness, type of injury and symptoms severity. However, your standard treatment options include:

  • Arthroscopy
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Pain management medications
  • Joint replacement (especially for knee and shoulder)
  • Chiropractic care
  • Surgery

Waiting too long to contact your physician after a car accident could result in recovery challenges. The more you wait, the worse your injuries will get and can lead to adverse effects, affecting your quality of life. Schedule an evaluation today to have your doctor prevent you from complications that can incapacitate you for life.