How to Tell If You Are Lactose Intolerant

We all enjoy a spot of dairy in our lives occasionally, be it in treats like ice-cream or milk in our tea and coffee. However, what happens if you consistently feel ill or feel bloated each time you’ve had your favorite grilled cheese sandwich? Unfortunately, we may have bad news because it could be an indication that you have lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance is a common issue faced by many people worldwide. It is regularly caused by a lack of the lactase enzyme in our bodies to digest and process the lactose components in dairy. This results in anyone suffering from lactose intolerance to feel uncomfortable after having foods and drinks that contain lactose.

5 signs that indicate you may be lactose intolerant

So, how will you know if you may be lactose intolerant or if you’ve just had a bad meal? Here are 5 signs to look out for to see if you may be lactose intolerant.

You feel stomach cramps each time you have dairy products

The main tell-tale sign of being lactose intolerant is if you feel stomach cramps after eating anything with lactose. From drinks with milk to cheese sandwiches or ice-cream and yogurt, these are dairy products that can trigger your lactose intolerance. Although the stomach cramps often ease up after an hour or two, it could be a serious sign of lactose intolerance.

You feel bloated after eating or drinking dairy products

If you’re not experiencing pain, but you do feel bloated and gassy, then chances are that you are lactose intolerant. This causes stomach discomforts, although they may not be as bad as stomach cramps. You may also find yourself passing gas more often, which can be embarrassing in professional situations.

You have loose stools or use the toilet more frequently

Anyone suffering from lactose intolerance will often suffer from diarrhea. This a common occurrence, and there is nothing you could do until most of the dairy components have been passed out. If this happens, be sure to drink more water to replenish the electrolytes you have lost during your diarrhea.

You feel nauseous after taking dairy products

In severe cases of lactose intolerance, you may even feel nauseous after taking dairy products. While feeling sick after consuming dairy products isn’t common unless someone has a bad case of lactose intolerance, it is still one of the tell-tale signs that your body is rejecting lactose.

Your family has a history of lactose intolerance

Unfortunately, lactose intolerance can also be hereditary. Therefore, if your family or other family members are lactose intolerant, you may have higher chances of suffering from the same fate. This makes it important for you to know more about your family’s health history, as it can point you in the right direction of knowing whether you are lactose intolerant.

What to do if you are lactose intolerant?

Unfortunately, overcoming lactose intolerance is not as easy as taking medication. To date, there hasn’t been a proper course of treatment for lactose intolerance, so anyone suffering from this often takes different steps to overcome this.

If you are suffering from lactose intolerance, one of the best ways to continue enjoying dairy products is to take a lactase enzyme pill before consuming dairy. This supplement helps your stomach process the lactose components and effectively reduces any discomfort of being lactose intolerant.

You may also consider switching to dairy-free alternatives in your coffee or tea. Popular choices today include almond milk, soy milk, or oat milk.


Thankfully, it could be heartening to know that you’re never alone in combating lactose intolerance. In fact, many adults have also reported that they have developed lactose intolerance as they’ve grown older. The key is to know that you have the issue, and perhaps you’ll know how to deal with lactose intolerance better as time goes by.