How To Self-Quarantine At Home?

As this time, we all know what coronavirus is. The risk of catching the novel coronavirus is rising at a rapid speed. In the entire world, the number of COVID-19 cases is increasing and the development of the vaccine is far. So boosting your immunity power, maintaining hand hygiene and practicing social distancing are the only ways to keep yourself safe from the virus. You can strengthen your immune system with the help of taking drip loaded with vitamins & medicines delivered right to your home from professionals. Even after practising social distancing and maintaining complete hygiene, we all might find ourselves in a situation where we might get exposed to the virus. Whether you’ve been in close contact with a person who has coronavirus or you have coronavirus symptoms, quarantine is the best way to separate yourself from others and restrict your movements.

Who should be quarantined?

Public health guidelines change from day to day during an epidemic of a highly contagious disease. In the case of COVID-19, the CDC suggests self-quarantine if you’ve been into close contact with a person who has confirmed case of Covid-19 and you’ve not taken recommended steps for home care and isolation. You are the one who’s tested positive for Covid-19, then you need to quarantine yourself.

Close contact is with someone who is tested Covid-19 positive and:

Lives in your house

Is your intimate partner

Takes care of you or is cared for by you

You shared eating or drinking utensils

Also if you’re doing fine today, you may be infected after 14 days. It takes 2 to 14 days to show Covid-19 symptoms, so we can’t tell for up to 14 days if you’re infected or not. Nevertheless, several patients who have SARS-CoV-2 have no signs or symptoms. Therefore, self-quarantining yourself for up to 14 days is important to ensure without testing that you will not spread coronavirus to others.

While you are quarantined, you should stay home in a separate room, monitor your health, eat healthily, maintain proper hygiene & follow directions from your state or local health department.

How to self-quarantine at home?

  •  The first step is to stay home and do not go to work, school, or public areas. If you think or know you have COVID-19, you need to restrict your activities outside of your home. Self quarantine yourself for the 10 days after your symptoms first appeared. If you are in close contact with anyone who’s tested positive for Covid-19, you should definitely quarantine yourself for at least 14 and monitor your health. If you experience any symptom during this period, get yourself tested for coronavirus and isolate yourself until you test negative for the disease.
  • You should live in a separate room with adequate ventilation. Do not quarantine yourself in a room which has AC. You need to maintain adequate distance from your family members. There should be a single person in your home to take care of your needs and requirements. The person who is taking care of you should maintain at least 6-meter distance from you. It is very important to stay away from family members who are at higher risk of coronavirus. This includes people who are above 60 years, have a serious illness, weak immune system, is pregnant or have age less than 10 years.
  • When you are quarantined, you should wear a mask if possible. If you’ll wear a mask, then you are stopping the spread of coronavirus among your family members and others who are providing treatment. Make sure to use disposable facemasks and gloves so that they can be properly discarded without reuse, preferably in a closed container.
  • If possible, use a separate bathroom. Use separate towels, hand wash, soap, etc. Do not share utensils, dishes, cups/glasses, bedding, towels, and other personal items with anyone because it might increase the risk of coronavirus transmission among your family members.
  • Minimize your interaction with everyone. Restrict outside people or do not interact with them.
  • Keep disinfecting the surfaces that are highly exposed like phones, countertops, tabletops, remote controls, doorknobs, bathroom handles, toilets, keyboards, tablets, and bedside tables. Also wash your bedsheets, pillow covers and other fabric items frequently.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after coughing, sneezing, using the bathroom, and before and after eating. Avoid touching surfaces of items after coughing or sneezing. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth without washing your hands. If you can’t wash your hands frequently, then keep using hand sanitizer that has at least 70% alcohol.
  • If you are quarantined, then you are expected to monitor your body temperature twice a day. If you develop any symptom of coronavirus including coughing, fever, difficulty breathing, sore throat, body pain and other flu-like symptoms during the quarantine period, then immediately get tested.

What if I test COVID-19 positive?

If you are tested Covid-19 positive then the first thing you should do is contacting your health care provider. Taking professional advice is important when you have any severe condition. When you have a medical appointment, contact the health care professional prior to visiting to inform them that you have COVID-19. It serves to keep other people safe from getting infected or exposed. If you have a medical emergency call ambulance and admit into your nearest hospital. Make sure to put on a face mask before emergency medical services arrive.

If you don’t have any severe symptoms, then take care of your health. Do as your medical service provider says. Eat healthily and take care of your health. You might get panic, anxious and afraid. Don’t be afraid, it’s just a disease. With complete care, you can definitely defect coronavirus.

If you show no symptom of Covid-19 during your 14 days quarantine period, you can resume your normal routine. At this time of the pandemic, we recommend everyone to practise social distancing. Take care of your health and hygiene. Eat healthy and organic. If possible, then do yoga and other exercises to keep yourself healthy and fit.