How to Seek the Best Treatment for ED

Did you know that erectile dysfunction affects roughly one out of three men? If you fall in this category, then you know all the negative feelings that often accompany this condition.

That’s why it’s important to find the best treatment for ED, so you can get back in the saddle.

Luckily, in this article, we’ll be breaking down everything you need to know about the different ED treatments, both medicinal and natural. Let’s get started!

ED Pills

For the majority of men seeking ED treatments, phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor drugs are typically the answer. You likely know these types of ED medications by their more popular names like Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra.

However, there are plenty of knock-offs out there too. Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors work by increasing the blood flow to your penis, which produces a prolonged erection.

For the majority of men, these ED pills are the perfect treatment. However, 20% of men might not work. On top of that, they cause a drop in blood pressure, which can be dangerous to people with a heart condition.

So, if you fall in this category, then you might want to try penile injections or natural types of erectile dysfunction treatment.

Penile Injections

Men who can’t take oral treatments might want to try penile injections. Products like TriMix are injected directly into the penis.

From there, mixtures of Alprostadil (PGE), Papaverine, and Phentolamine relax and dilate the blood vessels in the penis. While some people might be squeamish around needles, penile injections have an even higher success rate than ED pills.

Consider Natural Treatments As Well

Many people think that treatments like ED pills or injections are the only solution. However, the reality is that natural solutions can be a simple trick to cure ED too. One method is sex therapy.

Often erectile dysfunction can be traced to relationship problems, stress, or performance anxiety. Therapy can help uncover these problems and develop strategies for dealing with them. You can also try some of these activities:

  • Exercising more
  • Eating right
  • Doing pelvic floor exercises

Remember too that size matters when it comes to ED treatment. No, not your penis size, but your waistline. Two of the biggest causes of ED are cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

So, if you can work to get to a healthier weight, then it can approve your sex life as well.

Appreciate Learning About the Best Treatment for ED? Keep Reading

We hope this article helped you find the best treatment for ED. Remember that sometimes the answer to erectile dysfunction might not be found in a pill.

Often it’s more beneficial to explore natural solutions, like couples therapy and lifestyle changes, first.

So keep experimenting until you find a solution that works for you. Appreciated learning about this topic? Our website has a hundred just like it, so keep exploring to find them.