How To Know When Someone Around You Is An Addict?

Addiction is quickly becoming a major problem in the country and as the numbers continue to rise, the number of people that are currently involved in rehab is still very low compared to the number of addicts. According to a study almost 21 million people are currently involved in at least one substance abuse and only 1 out every 10 addicts are trying to rid themselves of their addiction in rehab centers around the country. The increase in the number of addicts can spell disaster for the country as the addicts will become a weight on the country dragging it down as the government tries to support these unemployed addicts. Moreover, since a large majority of addicts turn to crime to fuel their addiction, they cause a lot of damage to the lives and properties of innocents around the nation. Even in the case they are not involved in a crime they can still end up harming people around them, an example of this is the high number of deaths in accidents where one party was driving under the influence of drugs. The people who die in such accidents include both the addict themselves and innocent bystanders that were just in the way.

So, in order to reduce the number of deaths and the amount of damage done to the country we need to impress upon society the importance of rehab. The first thing we need to understand is when someone around us is involved in drug abuse. Knowing this can help both you as well because the lives of the people around the addict are also thrown into turmoil due to their addiction and if the addict turns violent the people around them can suffer from mental and physical trauma.

So, knowing how to find an addict is important because if you have a loved one that has fallen prey to drug addiction, waiting for longer causes the addiction to get stronger. So, it is important that you quickly identify addiction and then contact a rehab center online i.e., Drug Rehab New Hampshire to get more information and help your loved ones take the first step on the rehab journey.

The biggest sign of addiction is the increase in the amount of money a person spends without any visible change. It can pay off to look out for money that is essentially vanishing without any probable cause. Some drugs can be very expensive and even if the drug is not very expensive the speed at which an addict plows through their supply means that they are always in the need of more money to supply their addiction. When they run out of money they can start asking for loans from friends and family members or they may steal any savings that might be present in the house. They might even go to the lengths of stealing expensive items such as silverware, jewelry, electronics and selling them to raise money for their drugs.

Another important sign is the way an addict leaves all their hobbies behind. Addicts often only care about their next dose and are quick to drop tasks that are not helpful to achieve that goal. They also often grow distant from their friends and family and try to keep their lives private from everyone else even from those who were quite close to the addict before their addiction caused a rift. The addict often experiences a change in their behavior. Moreover, the addicts start to either become very lazy and sleepy or they become very depressed especially in any place where they cannot do drugs whenever they want such as work or among family. This is due to the initial high of the drug wearing off.

If you believe someone around is an addict and you believe you have enough evidence, try to stage an “intervention” so they can accept rehab and return to their normal lives.